Easing the Tension


  1. Joseph Helsing

    Always good to see new artists. Even better when they have talent in drawing. Looks good, I’m eager to see how this goes.

  2. sethp73

    Like the style so far. Keep it up!

  3. Rozax

    The more the merrier. ^_^

  4. LynxAenslade

    Kinda nice, i like your style (of drawing) and the spirit seems nice :)

    (Plus, Lemmo is handsome ^^)

  5. lemmo

    Woo! I’m handsome!

  6. LynxAenslade

    Yes you are ! :D

  7. Catfish

    Love the Space Invaders boxers

  8. djeims

    I want Lemmo’s boxers.

  9. Daniel

    And Lemmo’s hair is so short in this one.

  10. Me

    Lol im agreeing with Daniel lol look at the last comic his hairs like 10 ft long……..or maybe its coverd by its old hat idk or care awesome comic stuff guys

  11. Jalee1

    Hey is there any way to be able to see the entire thing at once?

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