Going for the hat-trick.

As we slog through our third week, we’ve finally built a little momentum. The show is running well, we’ve got our routine down, and most importantly, you guys are stopping by to enjoy a sample of our comic pie.

Last night was a lot of fun on the Blank It Ustream show. Thanks to those who stopped in for a bit to enjoy the comic making process. It helps me stay on track, too, so I think this will be a regular thing. Expect another show either tonight or Sunday.

Also, we’ve been getting a good number of readers wandering in from our various Project Wonderful advertisements. I’m a fan of Project Wonderful, because it works like advertising should. We have sites we enjoy, and we advertise there knowing that you might enjoy our comic as well. In turn, we’ve decided to swap out some of our Google ads for Project Wonderful spots. It’s like the grown-up version of link swapping. Verra nice.

As he already mentioned, Aric’s going to be off shaking his improv thang for the next couple days. If you’re in the Minneapolis area, I suggest checking out the shows. The Neutrino Project is like nothing you’ve seen before.

Me? I’ll be spending most of the weekend on City of Heroes. I won’t be hard to find, my global is @Lemmo, of course.

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