The Essence of Rigor


  1. LynxAenslade

    Hawn man, you’r putting that hat on yar head without knowing who wore it before :/

  2. MNapes

    They should leave other things, see if they also improve

  3. Barrington

    Shoes become boots, become skis, become…a motorcycle?

  4. Yogurt?

    “Minkä taakseen jättää sen eestään löytää.”

  5. Renee

    The hat is ALL.

  6. NoriMori

    LOL, Lemmo is adorable!

    Ya know, these guys kind of act like girls…

    …but in a good way!! =^^=

  7. Me

    Master hat please forgive me i was weak

  8. NoriMori

    I saw my own comment above and, not remembering it was mine, was about to reply to it. XD

    C’mon, I haven’t been to these earlier comics in a while, I forget…

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