Obstacle To Attention


  1. Jloopy

    looks an awful lot like he just lost the top half of his head…

    Also, they both have very similar pants.

  2. lemmo

    The characters are wearing what Aric and I were wearing when I first drew the characters. I think we were both wearing gray jeans or corduroys.

    I know it’s kind of an unoriginal thing to do a comic based on the creators, but at the time we weren’t fishing for a new comic. We just had a silly idea that became a comic, if that makes any sense.

  3. L Taylor

    Yeah … it does look like he’s gonna have some brain showing … or missing… or both.

    Btw, this whole comic is seriously awesome. One of my favorite comics, to be sure. Great work, guys.

  4. MBizzle

    Ahahaa. Lemmo looks like such a thug in the last frame.

  5. MaxyDawg

    FREE LOBOTOMY! Dr. L. Emmo, MD

  6. Stubbs

    Lemmo = Thug
    Aric = Bald

  7. them1me1you

    and also a Ph.D in distractions

  8. McFlury

    They should’ve stuck his whole head in the beam.. I’m pretty sure some head-juice would’ve solved the problem within reason.

  9. Beef

    Anyone taking bets on whether the head-hand is still there after the shovel labotomy?

  10. Sillytwist

    Lemmo is such an awesome character, I love his face in panel two its the “HOLY CRAP” face i laughed out loud on this one.

  11. Bubzee McGee

    i love it, they have such good expressions! very real, in a cartoonish way…

  12. socksbot

    lol lemmo so nonchalant about shoving his only friend’s head into the shovel beam

  13. NoriMori

    “They should’ve stuck his whole head in the beam.. I’m pretty sure some head-juice would’ve solved the problem within reason.”

    OMG, that’s genius! I think one day I’ll make a comic where I’ll draw the first one, and then be inspired by a comment somebody leaves about what they think will happen next… I’ll be like, “Great idea!” and use it for the next one. And just keep doing that. XD

    “Lemmo is such an awesome character, I love his face in panel two its the “HOLY CRAP” face i laughed out loud on this one.”

    Very true. :)

  14. Me

    HOLY CRAP ur face is awesome Lemmo

  15. BlueSox


  16. NoriMori

    Lol, I love Lemmo’s face in the second panel, and in the last panel.

  17. Kid of Death

    Lemmo’s expression in the last panel makes me laugh.

  18. Freezie43110

    Looking back, it’s hard to believe that this started in 2008. With the latest(as of post) comic, we’re finally treading familiar ground again, and realizing that absolutely everything has multiple purposes.

    Long live Blank It!

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