Least Dangerous Game

As you know, Lem and I are based in the Twin Cities. And a lot of you also live in the area. So listen up!

There is a scavenger hunt-style social media game called Least Dangerous Game that I am putting on once a month. It involves Twitter, learning about the area you live in, puzzle solving, and meeting new people. It’s a good old time and it is back after a two year hiatus.

There are prizes for winners and good times for all. Prizes lined up so far for this month’s game are from AT&T Wirless, HUGE Improv Theater, and local musician Adam Svec.

So check it out at LeastDangerousGame.com and sign up to play. It’ll be fun!

^ One Comment...

  1. Lipkin

    You should plug the game at Gogo.

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