The Threat

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The Threat

by Lemmo » Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:48 am

Aric and I love doing Blank It. So much, we'd like to do more of it, and pick up the pace. We have a lot of story to tell, and the more we can get out to you, the more we enjoy the project. However, drawing comics and doing all the blah blah takes quite a bit of time, and we're urban professionals who are stretched thin to begin with. So the last thing we want to do is waste our time, even for something we enjoy.

So we've decided to make The Threat. If we can get the readership of this site up to 2,000 unique readers a day for at least a few weeks in a row, we're promising to bump the publishing schedule up to 3 days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday like a real growns-up comic.

So if you really do enjoy Blank It, and you realize the potential for others to enjoy it as well, help us get the name out, and show more people the strip. If you help us do this, we will in turn give you more comics to enjoy, not to mention extras and other cool things.

I figure we've got a month's worth of comics available now, enough to whet the palette of many comic connoisseurs. So get the name out. Do that thing. And the other thing. Thanks for reading!


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Re: The Threat

by Arantor » Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:20 am

Nice work!!

Hopefully you should get a few visitors coming over from my website - I know from the logs that a few people have already found their way here from it.

Shameless plug: If you're curious, it's I'll make sure to keep it up to date, too.

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Re: The Threat

by Mourning Star » Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:14 pm

I'll mention the comic on my internet radio show if you want.

And if you guys wanted to record a 15-30 second commercial about the comic, I'd be happy to distribute it to the other people who DJ on my station to be played during their shows as well.
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Re: The Threat

by Mollu » Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:34 am

Uguuuu~ I'll be lucky if I can choke out one comic a week once mine gets started up. Good luck with three a week. I'd pimp your comic, but I have no where to do that yet.

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Re: The Threat

by Aric » Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:51 pm

While website linkage is awesome, word of mouth is also awesome. Pretend we're a restaurant where you didn't find hair in your food. You'll want to tell all your friends, "Hey, there's this really nice food eating place that doesn't serve food with hair in it! You should check it out!"
Any link here would just go to the site you're already on. Hi.

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Re: The Threat

by Arantor » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:06 pm

The problem with word of mouth - as I've found in the past - is that most of the people I know have a problem with websites you tell them. They suddenly forget how to spell. Or to decide that hyphens should go in places where there aren't any.

I did try and tell someone to go to "" but they figured I meant "" instead. Even when I said "No, no, blank it comics dot com."

Could always try registering too and see if that helps? It'll make it easier for me to spread the word.

What does kind of suck is that both myself and my partner read Blank It but we share the computer so we're only one unique visitor. Just 1,999 to go then...

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Re: The Threat

by Lemmo » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:19 pm

I don't think by word-of-mouth Aric is implying you have to speak it to them, just pass it along to your friends. By IM or whatever.

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Re: The Threat

by Arantor » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:22 pm

I wasn't awake when I posted that last bit... I took it literally. But still I do pass it on by actual word of mouth since I know more people to talk to face to face than I do via IM/email.

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Re: The Threat

by Mourning Star » Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:08 am

My offer still stands to advertise (for free) for you guys on our radio station.

We launch sometime around August 15th

Let me know.
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Re: The Threat

by Lemmo » Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:44 pm

Thanks for the offer. I think we should talk Aric into recording something. He's got all the podcast-o-maphone equipment to do something nice.

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Re: The Threat

by Mourning Star » Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:09 pm

Sounds good. Our web guy is making speedy progress with the site, and I bought the domain today. I'll post a link to the station's website when it's all finished. The stream itself though, as I said, won't launch till later in the month. Myself and another guy are splitting the cost of the first month's bill when he gets back from Pennsic.
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Re: The Threat

by Aric » Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:30 pm

Word of mouth repaired! No need to correct your friends. Just send them to
Any link here would just go to the site you're already on. Hi.

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Re: The Threat

by Arantor » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:16 pm

I can't believe that 10 words could make me laugh so much. 10 words, it's so simple and I truly laughed out loud. With humour this good, the two of you should take over the world.

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Re: The Threat

by Mourning Star » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:57 pm
The website for our soon-launching radio station.

If/when you guys can throw me a few sound bytes re: the comic, we'll throw them into our shows.

*edit to fix .com to .org...cuz I'm stupid and forget we're an org*
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Re: The Threat

by DragoNero » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:24 am

Any chance of a visitor stats page?

I havent seen one n i sure as hell would like to know how close we are to catching up with inktank
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Re: The Threat

by Lemmo » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:40 am

Well, the reason I'm not a fan of visitor stats page is because it sometimes seems voyeuristic. Like we're either bragging or delusional about our traffic. We also use Google Analytics, and I don't know if they have a visitor page. But! I can give you guys an update in this forum on our numbers, or on a sticky thread, if that helps. We've been calculating our number of readers by taking the unique visitors off Analytics, plus the number of RSS subscribers, and then subtracting the overlap (RSS readers who visit the page).

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Re: The Threat

by wyrdwyrm » Sat Sep 06, 2008 2:15 am

I have a pretty minimal internet-footprint, but...
You get word of mouth from me!
And...that's how I found the strip to start with - from a friend who said, "Found this, and it reminded me of you."
I'm always suspicious of things that remind people of me, because most are a comment on my 'sanity'.
So... ...two people lost in nothingness. Okayy...
...slapstick with entrenching tool + use of term "entrenching tool". Not bad, not bad.
...looping bottomless pit + WHEEEEEEE!!!
Yup, that's me right there.

So, you got me hooked, and I promise to try to spread the word, albeit in an insidious, passive-aggressive manner.
"Oh. Hey. You online? Cool. Hey, do you mind if I-? Yeah, I just want to check this website quick, see if anything new is up. ever see this comic? You know, I think you'd probably like it. Here, take a look."

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Re: The Threat

by Mr Tk » Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:25 am

HOLY Sweet Mother of Mercy, a new comic by Lemmo!


Reconsider yourselves one step closer to your 2000.

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Re: The Threat

by Mourning Star » Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:59 am

Mr Tk wrote:HOLY Sweet Mother of Mercy, a new comic by Lemmo!


Reconsider yourselves one step closer to your 2000.

Yeah, isn't it great?

I've been following him around the web since I stumbled across Winter and PP
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Re: The Threat

by SpiderMonkey » Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:56 am

How do you stumble across PP? can you trip on a liquid.

I'm juvenile.

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Re: The Threat

by Mourning Star » Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:55 am

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Re: The Threat

by Angie » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:10 pm

Curiosity made me click one of your banners.

Add me in! Can't wait to read more of this! : D

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Re: The Threat

by Lemmo » Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:05 am

Welcome to the party, Angie! Bring friends, but uh, be sure to separate out the recycling before bringing it to the curb.

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Re: The Threat

by Augmentation » Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:27 am

Say... I really like this comic! I'll be happy to spread it around to friends and the like (I'd link to it on my personal site but I'm having technical issues there).
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Re: The Threat

by Aric » Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:18 am

Thanks so much for reading through the strip, and enjoying it enough to tell people about it. We appreciate everything you guys do for us, and we're more than happy to keep make this comic for people who enjoy it.
Any link here would just go to the site you're already on. Hi.

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