Black and Wh-at the hell

Update: Comic is now colored. Thank goodness for sleeping babies!

Why is today’s comic in grayscale? Because I’m actually in a hospital room right now with my wife and brand new baby daughter. Born at 9:09 pm last night after 30 hours of labor. It was a wicked, wild ride.

Anyway, I brought all my comic stuff to the hospital, and while I could technically color the strips, they’re taking a lot longer than usual to make just because a lot of my time is spent on being a new parent. So I figure I’d cut one of my major time sinks for now, since I can always go back and color the strips retroactively. We plan to be home by Wednesday, I can’t say if Thursday’s comic will also be chromatically deficient, but I can say that it’s a temporary condition at best. We’ll be back to full-color action soon enough, with these comics colored when I have the time.

At least I didn’t just not update like a chump sucka. Am I right?


  1. macksting

    Awesome spawning mechanic.
    Did you go for the collector’s edition?

  2. Jloopy

    I think certain things qualify as a good reason not to update. Getting your wife pregnant is not one. Being there the moment your wife stops being pregnant is. Congratulations.
    Maybe I’m alone, but I think I’d prefer a longer wait and some color. Though, maybe I’d be complaining the other way if that’s what you did originally. Who can tell.


  3. nemodos

    Absolutely a good reason! Congratulations. Oh, and you are totally extra bad-ass for not skipping the update completely.

  4. Arantor

    Really impressed at both your dedication to your family and to the comic; you’re really taking care of us!

  5. Cuisineries

    You should leave this one black and white then in a few years have the newborn child, who would be less newborn by then, color it in. FAMILY FUN!

  6. lemmo

    Heh. Blank It - the Coloring Book.

  7. Chados

    Congrats, Lemmo!

    I hope we see more of the little dancing robot. :)

  8. Kris-face

    Put your child in the comic.


  9. stubbsgun

    Congratulations!!, now thats dedication!

  10. Karltio el hombre sexo

    Congratulations, I hear that they change the way you view life and such so… happy change of view on life and such!!! Party hats!!

  11. Jackson

    Congrats on the baby, Lemmo. That’s awesome!

  12. camperp

    Your dedication is amazing. Showering was about as much as I could manage for the first two weeks after my son popped (after MUCH difficulty) into the world.

    We are NOT worthy!

  13. Renee

    Many congratulations, Lemmo!

  14. lemmo

    Renee, thanks! And welcome back!

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