Renewable Energy


  1. nuclearwhale

    America’s new renewable energy source… insults.

  2. Lizzified

    aww, i wanna read all of Fergus’s insults

  3. Jloopy

    What about sarcastic insults? Does it have a way to determine if it is a hidden insult? Or if something is actually a hidden compliment?

  4. lemmo

    Jloopy, as usual, Aric never lets me spill the beans. But we’ll delve into it at some point.

  5. WeeGoblin

    If Scotland had this, we’d be an international superpower.

  6. them1me1you

    but you don’t, so we Americans are in power. hey at least Scots have an awesome accent!

  7. nuclearwhale

    If America had that power every Xbox 360 in the country would be connected to it.
    In fact the whole world would be powered by a single internet chatroom.

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