

  1. Shinlink

    …NO! Aric has to realize that remaining static is impossible. Get up and go with Lemmo!

  2. macksting

    He looks very sad, very disappointed, but… I think even a little miffed.

  3. xajek

    I’m so sad right now.

  4. Megan

    awe :( so saad. And Lonely! Stop moping!

  5. Jason

    Yay! Bizarro dialogue!

  6. Foxmouse

    Aww. Good thing they didn’t add to many “Nots” or “Don’ts” to that dialog or else we would have been here all night trying to figure it out. xD

  7. Ray

    This page probably marks a new arc. It may be sad, but hopefully things will get better from here on out.

  8. Ziggy Stardust

    I hope so. I feel bad for Aric and I feel bad for Lemmo. The world of apparel theater will crash within days, and no one will care.
    If, on a lighted, empty plane, two men part ways, does sadness still exist? You bet your ass it does.

  9. Vlynndar

    Made a few comments already, but this latest strip seemed a good place to say that this reader came in from MSPaintAdventures.

    I love this. The sarcastic comments. The Plane, especially in the first few pages: the beam of shovels coming to life with a great BOOSH, the matroshka flies.

    I’m loving it.

    PS, am I close to being the twothousandth reader? =D
    I hope so, can’t wait to see you scribbling furiously to make the next page exist in time >:D

  10. them1me1you

    each and every panel that is just one long panel hits some deep not, this one happens to be sad, others could be funny, intruiging, or thoughtful. . . even pensive.

  11. macksting

    The other long panel which comes to mind…

  12. Rob

    … just began reading this today, but is that one of the shadow people behind Lemmo? i have my laptop screen leaning back slightly, so you see more of a contrast in colours…

  13. Megan

    It’s probably Misty!

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