The Creative Process

It’s been brought up from time to time that Aric and I just wing this strip, what with how random it feels. And while I can say ‘we planned it all along’, it just really doesn’t hold water when there’s nothing to back it up.

While working on the comic tonight, I stumbled upon the original mockup for the website, which included a header graphic sporting some content that hadn’t been put in the strip yet. Since everything in this picture has made its appearance in some form, I thought I’d share it:

The original banner image!

Lemmo and Aric are there, but so is the cookie guy (noticably different), and he’s holding the shovel. There’s also the imposter robot behind Aric, also fairly different. Plus, the fox was more of a person, or ewok or something, instead of the Socks you know of today. Lastly there’s Lemmo’s pet rat, which was scrapped altogether.

This image predates the comic launch by about two months. That makes it about 14 months old now. You just now met the cookie guy. Shows how ’spontaneous’ we really are.


  1. Megan

    Take that all you fun-lovers!! HA! LOGIC WINS AGAIN!

    wait. What am I talking about? I’m spontaneous!!

    just playing :) I think it’s pretty awesome that you’ve got it so well planned and yet it still -feels- random. Now -that’s- art.

  2. Mollu

    LIES! You just drew that to throw us off the trail.

    I’M ON TO YOU.

  3. Arantor

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  4. TheWolfMI

    Something this chaotic and GOOD can’t just be spur of the moment.

    Well, I guess it COULD be… but the lines, the conversations, the things going on don’t feel like someone just made it up on the fly. I mean, if you were just making it up on the fly, why would you need a writer? You just start drawing weirdness and finish up.

    Anyway, fan back from Lethal Doses days. Keep up the great art dude.


    Did the pet rat have a name? We could add it to the wiki.

  6. Lemmo

    Nope. That was just a brainstorm. It didn’t even serve a plot purpose.

  7. speearr

    Bring the rat back!

  8. Ziggy Stardust

    That would be a dumb idea and serve no purpose, but everyone would look for meaning in it ’cause we are all analyzing the hell out of the comic.
    Also I am loving that you guys actually planned out that bit with the shovel. Bitchin’.

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