It’s Complicated


  1. Riuk88


  2. Zapheres

    Totally. Amazingly. Beautiful. Almost tearing up.

    This is the part a robot friend trapdoor pops up below them to ruin it though.

  3. Renee

    *squee!!!* They hugs!!! This makes me so happy! This totally makes my day!

  4. macksting

    On the other hand, the timing with the little robot friends woulda been much worse if it’d happened just before this strip could take place.

  5. Eddie G

    That is fantastic. Thank You.

  6. Shinlink

    I think Aric was taking the friendship for granted. When he realized that the friendship was in jeopardy he became sincere. just like Zapheres said: “Totally. Amazingly. Beautiful.”

  7. Jackson

    The difference between Blank It and Waiting for Godot is that Waiting for Godot will never make you say “Awwwwwwwww.”


  8. Ray

    Awwww, their still friends. Enough so to hug each other, even!! I think this comic made my day….

  9. me.vicky

    “Okay fine, Aric. You can…let go…now…”
    “Mmm…Lemmo, you smell like my mother.”

  10. Leroy_Octopus


  11. Midoriko


    …Oh! Comic! Sorry, I was reading Waiting for Godot. *ducks flying objects*

    But really. Awwwwwwwwwwww :) Awkward hug is adorable :)

  12. Xajek

    They have yet to fight a swarm of enemies back to back… that would be awesome…….

  13. TheBananaFish

    This sure got a lot of comments fast.

  14. maglorius

    I thought for sure hugs would be the other way around! but Aric hugs Lemmo! How sweet… I guess I’ll join in the Awwww-fest.
    Because I’m a softy.
    And maybe a little turned on by guys hugging.

  15. Fedorov92

    Awwwwwwwwww to continue the parade of equally emotionally charged comments. First strip that made me do that. Surprised again, as usual. THANKS :D

  16. Timeline


    Lemmo is a lot smarter than I used to give him credit for.
    Aric is more considerate than i thought.

    Gosh I love character develoupment.. :)

  17. Ziggy Stardust

    *Hundreds of fangirls storm the canvas and form one huge grouphug around Aric and Lemmo*

  18. them1me1you

    *soon overrun by fanboys*

  19. Zaro27

    Man. That actually get’s me choked up. Makes me think about actual relationships I’m in/have been in.

  20. Cavada

    I wonder how long the third panel lasted, in other words, how long Aric had to think about it.

  21. TheEruditeViking

    D’AWWWWWWWW. This made my morning.

  22. boring7

    “Oh boy! Time for the erotic fan-fiction!”

    Yeah, okay, I’m a jerk.

  23. Ziggy Stardust

    @Aric/Lemmo slashfic: Possible. It must get lonely all alone.

  24. djeims

    Lemmo is really giving it his all to that hug. He’ll prolly be skipping town in a few strips.

    (Err, not Aric strips, comic strips.)

  25. TheBananaFish

    Wow… all it takes one person planting that seed and the tender emotional comments get a little… weird.

  26. me.vicky

    @boring7: I didn’t want to be the one who said it. Ho Yay!

  27. Ray

    Dawww, Aric & Lemmo are hugging.

    Although you just can’t help but wonder what happened to the tiny little guys in the floor that were following them….

  28. Somsphet

    FREE COOKIES FOR ALL! you just have to kill it a bit first.

  29. NoriMori

    “I thought for sure hugs would be the other way around! but Aric hugs Lemmo! How sweet… I guess I’ll join in the Awwww-fest.
    Because I’m a softy.
    And maybe a little turned on by guys hugging.”

    LOL, same. ;)

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