Wiki Wiki!

Just a reminder, we do have a Blank It Wiki which is great for learning about our weird-ass comic. However, it only survives when active readers update it. Please to leave your knowledge in the Wiki for other, less initiated readers!

There’s also off-site Wikis you can contribute to for our sake, like TVTropes and Comixpedia.

Remember, when it comes to community-powered websites like wikis, we humble creators have only you, the readers, to educate the masses. Blank It is still little-known. You can change that.


  1. Renee

    Working on it! <3

    I've sent out Facebook messages regarding Blank It. I have friends who snap at me if I remind them about the same thing too often. But if it bothers them that much, I remind them don't need to be Facebook-friends in order to be friends in real life. Weirdos.

  2. Zai Lynch

    I’m sorry to hear that the wiki isn’t doing well :-S
    I haven’t spent time on their either lately. In parts cause I didn’t like the whole cookie plot (glad they eventually escaped from there) and in great parts cause I’m lacking time and inspiration. But I don’t want to whine… Actually wanting to leave my kudos.
    And thanks for re-introducing Socks. It’s my favorite character.
    Soooooooo cute. (♥.♥)

  3. lemmo

    Don’t feel bad, Zai. A wiki rests on no one person’s shoulders. I’d probably be in there editing it myself, but I think that’s too self-fulfilling, and I’d accidentally slip in spoilers. I’m too close to the flames for this one.

    It’s not going badly, there’s lots of good information up there. It’s really quite plump. Some things just might be a little antiquated by now, is all.

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