Oh look, they’ve left something seemingly insignificant lying on the ground, and it’s begun to transform as they casually stroll away, aimless, into the horizon-type-thing whilst exchanging witty banter. Let’s see how long it takes before they encounter it again as whatever outrageous and presumably “story”-altering object it morphs into. Or perhaps it’s just that even a disembodied wooden hand can take notice of the trend that’s been developing more clearly and consistently than anything resembling an actual storyline in this comic lately, and it’s simply digging its own way into the endless graveyard of countless other forgotten locations, abandoned characters, dead-end plot twists, and completely random events that occur for no apparent reason other than that absolutely nothing in this universe *has* to make sense and almost all of which still await some kind of explanation.
I’m just constantly amazed at each thing that comes next. I try to imagine what might happen, and sometimes I’m close. Most times though, I could never come up with the level of creativity that shows up in the comic. Bravo!
Holy crap, dude. I admit that even I thought this particular strip’s foreshadowing technique is a bit overdone in this comic, but you need to have a little more faith in the authors. The whole point of reading Blank It is for the experience of not knowing what happens next, and then being floored by how seemingly random and unrelated things actually come together to make perfect sense. The story is still new, so a lot of those things still seem random and unrelated. You sound like a quitter for getting so bitterly frustrated this early on in the story arc, though.
On the other hand (no pun intended), Lemmo losing his hand IS kind of a running gag (or at least a repeating event, gag or no) in this comic. Maybe the overdone “walking away from a mysteriously-changing object” was done here on purpose for a similar reason.
Wow Ven, that is almost an accurate picture of Blank It, if not a bit cynical, or better yet, missing the point… If you’re that jaded with the comic, try, oh say, not reading it? Or write and draw something better yourself? Don’t worry, I’m not going to flame you, and people on these comment sections have always seemed very civil anyhow, but if you are looking for a steady plot and point and consistent characters, try Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel or something. I’ll say one last thing here – I’m a writer, and I don’t know if you’ve ever tried writing this non sequitur sort of thing, with seemingly no plot and all that, but it is much, much, MUCH harder than formulating anything with consistency that runs from point A to point Z. End transmission~
Guys, I don’t know about you, but having Ven’s voice of dissent (which I honestly don’t wholly disagree with) just means we’re growing as a comic.
It’s one thing to have avid fans follow you. It’s another to have people read your comic even though they don’t like where it’s going. I think this comic strip just evolved, Pokemans-style. Thanks Ven!
Blank It is evolving!
It evolved into Blank Alot!
Blank Alot learned Dissent!
I wonder if we’ll see an all out war of hands against hands. We still have a mountain of hands, claws and other monstrous manos where spilt the can of hand juice, and now we have a wooden hand which seems dissatisfied with its lot. Where the two meet, we may yet see battle.
I almost want that to be some background behind the more important events of the comic, like the two asking somebody what’s going on, getting a null answer, and saying, “Yeah, we’re bored, too,” while fighting fingers engage in a thumb war for the ages behind them and out of view.
In hindsight, I’ll admit what I said was unnecessarily harsh. However, I still stand by the general statement I made (if perhaps not the tone I used). Trust me, I love me some good, spontaneous, nonsensical humor as much as the next guy (Hitchhiker’s Guide is in fact one of my all-time favorite books). While this is still certainly one of my favorite comics, I suppose I’m just getting a bit frustrated at how a promising character or turn of events will appear and I’ll get my hopes up that they’ll be there a while, and then eight strips later they’re gone forever. Fergus, the penguins, the mist girl, the purple ocean; these were some of my favorite elements of the story, and Fergus is the only one that ever made another appearance after he left for the first time (and that only lasted for about four strips). Even the shovel beam, the only thing besides Aric and Lemmo that remained a focal point throughout the comic, appears to be gone now (although I certainly haven’t given up hope on that one returning). And now, since the intermission, things have just been magically appearing out of and disappearing into thin air, whereas before we could at least be led to believe that they had existed before somewhere else in the void and were simply just being discovered. Overall, however, I’m fine with what’s been happening since the intermission, since it seems to be going toward some unifying plot, but unless I’m somehow missing something really major, I don’t see how all the other great things from this comic’s past are going to make comebacks that tie together cohesively. I’m not bitter, I’m just hoping for something that will draw me into the comic like the things I mentioned above did, and will actually stay there for at least a little bit to keep me hooked and excited, rather than disappearing immediately and leaving me waiting for the next big draw. Maybe I’m just a fan of the good character development they put into the two protagonists and, since Aric and Lemmo appear to be about as developed as they’re likely to get, I’m subconsciously searching for something else like that. For those saying it’s still early into the story, it’s really not; they’re well over two hundred strips in. I feel like there’s supposed to be something that it’s all moving toward, but I can’t for the life of me guess what it is. If that’s all part of the plan, if everything is supposed to come together at the end in some giant “Aha!” moment (and if it’s done successfully), then it’s pure genius and I would absolutely love it. But until that point, it would just be nice to know for sure whether the comic is just having fun with these two wandering around an unfamiliar world, or if it’s supposed to be evolving into something bigger, instead of appearing to be the former with the occasional tease of a larger overall goal. At the end of the day, however, I must thank Aric and Lemmo with all my heart for the fantastic comic they’re bringing us and I want you guys to know that I have the utmost respect for you and everything you’re doing, and by all means, keep up the wonderful work.
And finally, thanks for trying to understand where I was coming from, Lemmo, rather than getting offended or something as it would have been perfectly understandable for you to do with a comment like that!
Now I’m wondering what would happen if Lemmo drank hand juice. Would a human hand grow on the end of the wooden arm?
I would think Aric would be happy to be ageless as that makes him borderline immortal or something. Also, most people would not be nearly as excited as Lemmo given an opportunity to chop their own hands off.
And one last, last thing: I’m not expecting everything to fit together perfectly from one mini-adventure to the next, and I know that not everything is going to play a vital role, and I also know that nothing actually has to come back into the story at any point, because I realize that that just isn’t what this comic is about. I even realize that things do in fact lead into the next part of the comic at times, like the giant “bad boys” leading to the ocean leading to the introduction of the robots, or the hand juice spill leading to the handland place leading to the fox being cut into the foxes. I’m mainly just, as I said before, trying to figure out if anything is actually supposed to come together to form a bigger story, or if it’s just intended to be infinite sequences of partly-linked together ministories. Hopefully someone here understands what I’m getting at, because I’m having a hard time explaining it effectively.
I liked the purple ocean and the robot Aric and the penguins and all that jazz best too. The comic seemed to move faster back then too, or maybe it just seemed to be smoother and more cohesive. Not that there is a rush to get anywhere, but maybe Ven was right and it seemed like there was a more definitive build-up…
@Sleepy Ven: For all we know, this is all building up to some giant civil war between the five civilizations(robots, penguins, bugs, cookies, and the Unsettlers), with Lemmo and Aric caught in the middle. The penguins and bugs are already enemies, making this all the more likely. With a story like how it’s gone so far, literally anything can happen.
October 28th, 2010 at 1:04 am
Is the hand going to grom into a tree version of Lemmo?
October 28th, 2010 at 1:50 am
Ha! Lipkin was right. Just a shell. So does the shell end at his shoulder or does it extend into him.
October 28th, 2010 at 2:33 am
Oh look, they’ve left something seemingly insignificant lying on the ground, and it’s begun to transform as they casually stroll away, aimless, into the horizon-type-thing whilst exchanging witty banter. Let’s see how long it takes before they encounter it again as whatever outrageous and presumably “story”-altering object it morphs into. Or perhaps it’s just that even a disembodied wooden hand can take notice of the trend that’s been developing more clearly and consistently than anything resembling an actual storyline in this comic lately, and it’s simply digging its own way into the endless graveyard of countless other forgotten locations, abandoned characters, dead-end plot twists, and completely random events that occur for no apparent reason other than that absolutely nothing in this universe *has* to make sense and almost all of which still await some kind of explanation.
I almost hope it’s the latter.
October 28th, 2010 at 4:07 am
Wow. Someone seems bitter.
I’m just constantly amazed at each thing that comes next. I try to imagine what might happen, and sometimes I’m close. Most times though, I could never come up with the level of creativity that shows up in the comic. Bravo!
October 28th, 2010 at 5:29 am
Holy crap, dude. I admit that even I thought this particular strip’s foreshadowing technique is a bit overdone in this comic, but you need to have a little more faith in the authors. The whole point of reading Blank It is for the experience of not knowing what happens next, and then being floored by how seemingly random and unrelated things actually come together to make perfect sense. The story is still new, so a lot of those things still seem random and unrelated. You sound like a quitter for getting so bitterly frustrated this early on in the story arc, though.
October 28th, 2010 at 5:32 am
On the other hand (no pun intended), Lemmo losing his hand IS kind of a running gag (or at least a repeating event, gag or no) in this comic. Maybe the overdone “walking away from a mysteriously-changing object” was done here on purpose for a similar reason.
October 28th, 2010 at 6:36 am
Clearly Sleepy Ven has never read the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, where things are frequently forgotten, but always come back.
October 28th, 2010 at 9:59 am
Wow Ven, that is almost an accurate picture of Blank It, if not a bit cynical, or better yet, missing the point… If you’re that jaded with the comic, try, oh say, not reading it? Or write and draw something better yourself? Don’t worry, I’m not going to flame you, and people on these comment sections have always seemed very civil anyhow, but if you are looking for a steady plot and point and consistent characters, try Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel or something. I’ll say one last thing here – I’m a writer, and I don’t know if you’ve ever tried writing this non sequitur sort of thing, with seemingly no plot and all that, but it is much, much, MUCH harder than formulating anything with consistency that runs from point A to point Z. End transmission~
October 28th, 2010 at 10:50 am
Guys, I don’t know about you, but having Ven’s voice of dissent (which I honestly don’t wholly disagree with) just means we’re growing as a comic.
It’s one thing to have avid fans follow you. It’s another to have people read your comic even though they don’t like where it’s going. I think this comic strip just evolved, Pokemans-style. Thanks Ven!
October 28th, 2010 at 11:14 am
Blank It is evolving!
It evolved into Blank Alot!
Blank Alot learned Dissent!
I wonder if we’ll see an all out war of hands against hands. We still have a mountain of hands, claws and other monstrous manos where spilt the can of hand juice, and now we have a wooden hand which seems dissatisfied with its lot. Where the two meet, we may yet see battle.
I almost want that to be some background behind the more important events of the comic, like the two asking somebody what’s going on, getting a null answer, and saying, “Yeah, we’re bored, too,” while fighting fingers engage in a thumb war for the ages behind them and out of view.
October 28th, 2010 at 12:13 pm
Hrm, I either see a Lemmo copy growing out of the hand… Or it’ll be an Adam’s Family ‘Thing’ (The disembodied hand that ran around by itself…)
October 28th, 2010 at 1:01 pm
The Danger sign made Lemmo’s arm wood, so now that the hand was cut off will it be reborn as a wooden Lemmo?
October 28th, 2010 at 2:53 pm
*heh* We just watched “Army of Darkness” last night.
The title could be applied to this if we were into puns. ~_^
October 28th, 2010 at 3:29 pm
So, is Lemmo’s wooden arm gonna regenerate?
October 28th, 2010 at 6:10 pm
but that’s the fun of evolving stories.
October 28th, 2010 at 6:10 pm
I think it’s gonna make a new jungle :D
October 28th, 2010 at 11:02 pm
Wow! Maybe you will soon grow your own little fan-haters! Look’s like your widdle comic is growing up ;P
October 28th, 2010 at 11:16 pm
In hindsight, I’ll admit what I said was unnecessarily harsh. However, I still stand by the general statement I made (if perhaps not the tone I used). Trust me, I love me some good, spontaneous, nonsensical humor as much as the next guy (Hitchhiker’s Guide is in fact one of my all-time favorite books). While this is still certainly one of my favorite comics, I suppose I’m just getting a bit frustrated at how a promising character or turn of events will appear and I’ll get my hopes up that they’ll be there a while, and then eight strips later they’re gone forever. Fergus, the penguins, the mist girl, the purple ocean; these were some of my favorite elements of the story, and Fergus is the only one that ever made another appearance after he left for the first time (and that only lasted for about four strips). Even the shovel beam, the only thing besides Aric and Lemmo that remained a focal point throughout the comic, appears to be gone now (although I certainly haven’t given up hope on that one returning). And now, since the intermission, things have just been magically appearing out of and disappearing into thin air, whereas before we could at least be led to believe that they had existed before somewhere else in the void and were simply just being discovered. Overall, however, I’m fine with what’s been happening since the intermission, since it seems to be going toward some unifying plot, but unless I’m somehow missing something really major, I don’t see how all the other great things from this comic’s past are going to make comebacks that tie together cohesively. I’m not bitter, I’m just hoping for something that will draw me into the comic like the things I mentioned above did, and will actually stay there for at least a little bit to keep me hooked and excited, rather than disappearing immediately and leaving me waiting for the next big draw. Maybe I’m just a fan of the good character development they put into the two protagonists and, since Aric and Lemmo appear to be about as developed as they’re likely to get, I’m subconsciously searching for something else like that. For those saying it’s still early into the story, it’s really not; they’re well over two hundred strips in. I feel like there’s supposed to be something that it’s all moving toward, but I can’t for the life of me guess what it is. If that’s all part of the plan, if everything is supposed to come together at the end in some giant “Aha!” moment (and if it’s done successfully), then it’s pure genius and I would absolutely love it. But until that point, it would just be nice to know for sure whether the comic is just having fun with these two wandering around an unfamiliar world, or if it’s supposed to be evolving into something bigger, instead of appearing to be the former with the occasional tease of a larger overall goal. At the end of the day, however, I must thank Aric and Lemmo with all my heart for the fantastic comic they’re bringing us and I want you guys to know that I have the utmost respect for you and everything you’re doing, and by all means, keep up the wonderful work.
October 28th, 2010 at 11:18 pm
Also, sorry for the essay-length comment, I’m just trying to get all of my thoughts out there without sounding like a jerk this time :)
October 28th, 2010 at 11:21 pm
And finally, thanks for trying to understand where I was coming from, Lemmo, rather than getting offended or something as it would have been perfectly understandable for you to do with a comment like that!
October 28th, 2010 at 11:55 pm
Now I’m wondering what would happen if Lemmo drank hand juice. Would a human hand grow on the end of the wooden arm?
I would think Aric would be happy to be ageless as that makes him borderline immortal or something. Also, most people would not be nearly as excited as Lemmo given an opportunity to chop their own hands off.
October 29th, 2010 at 12:22 am
And one last, last thing: I’m not expecting everything to fit together perfectly from one mini-adventure to the next, and I know that not everything is going to play a vital role, and I also know that nothing actually has to come back into the story at any point, because I realize that that just isn’t what this comic is about. I even realize that things do in fact lead into the next part of the comic at times, like the giant “bad boys” leading to the ocean leading to the introduction of the robots, or the hand juice spill leading to the handland place leading to the fox being cut into the foxes. I’m mainly just, as I said before, trying to figure out if anything is actually supposed to come together to form a bigger story, or if it’s just intended to be infinite sequences of partly-linked together ministories. Hopefully someone here understands what I’m getting at, because I’m having a hard time explaining it effectively.
October 29th, 2010 at 9:27 am
I liked the purple ocean and the robot Aric and the penguins and all that jazz best too. The comic seemed to move faster back then too, or maybe it just seemed to be smoother and more cohesive. Not that there is a rush to get anywhere, but maybe Ven was right and it seemed like there was a more definitive build-up…
October 29th, 2010 at 10:55 am
@Sleepy Ven: For all we know, this is all building up to some giant civil war between the five civilizations(robots, penguins, bugs, cookies, and the Unsettlers), with Lemmo and Aric caught in the middle. The penguins and bugs are already enemies, making this all the more likely. With a story like how it’s gone so far, literally anything can happen.
October 29th, 2010 at 2:26 pm
I didn’t read all of SleepyVen’s posts. Too long….
This comic made me lol in real life. That would be pretty badass to chop off your own hand.