Off We Go


  1. random man

    I wonder if that robot is dislexic (sorry if I spelled that wrong, but let me know if i spelled it right!)


    did I really get the first post?

  2. noisyparker

    Well, don’t feel bad, Aric… she doesn’t know Lemmo all that well either!

  3. Kid of Death

    It’s not always the best idea to follow Lemmo. The combination of Lemmo and Marina could spell disaster. Marina seems to get injured or almost injured a lot, and Lemmo seems to lose limbs quite a bit. Who knows what kind of trouble they can concoct in this new place? Also, are they just going to leave those robots up there?

  4. Rockman007

    Lemmo is just so friendly that people feel like they know him. that and he names you as soon as he meets you..

  5. MB

    Ah, crap. I missed Lemmo getting his arm back somewhere.

  6. ojing

    I think the upended robot’s intended phrasing is: “I… can help?” meaning that he’s requesting assistance. This webcomic could certainly stand a little disambiguation. ;-)

  7. EJ

    Hey, when did Lemmo get his arm back? I don’t remember that happening…

  8. EJ

    When did Lemmo get a new hand/arm? I missed that.

  9. NoriMori

    I’m confuzzled as to what order to read the bubbles in…

  10. PolleN112

    I feel that a very important point is being missed, Fergus and the parasox are leading the Unsettlers around the canvas. Fergus. Parasox. Unsettlers. Together!

  11. wonderboy

    naw, the robot is only scatterbrained.

  12. random man

    But robots dont have brains. It’s all software.

    Maybe he got dropped when he was just a little hard drive, unable to control himself until his processor fully developed. The processor must’ve been damaged before it could have developed completely, thus his incompatibility to cope with others, be it speaking or flipping a switch.

  13. Raiten

    Now with 100% more headache inducing dialogue! I think I should stop trying to figure it out before my brain explodes.

  14. Wolfox

    just don’t try reading it upside down… though I do admit that despite the headache from the blood rushing towards my brain the lettering looks pfunky from the other direction, albiet hard to decipher.

  15. random man

    I thought that they were upside down when th gravity flipped, but now they’re STILL upside down. Does this mean that the salabot flipped them COMPLETELY over, or what? I’m so confused.

    I got it now. When the switch was flipped, the room flipped over, not gravity switching. They still have to figure out what to do about the gravity.

  16. Sandy Claws

    Hmm… Looks like the arm came back when Our Protagonists were swallowed by that mysteriously vanishing dragon-robot-bug-pokemon-thing. Magical restoring dragon-ro-not-repeating-myself or someone forgetting to draw a lack of arm? It’s okay. Symmetrical people are interesting too.

  17. Dr. Arwael, P.H.D in Bullus Crappulus

    Well, the Robomander did something. And the Switch did another something. Now the floor is again the ceiling but the ceiling is the floor. Thus Lemmo marches on.

    But of more concern… Fergus and the Socks Foxes are leading the Unsettlers. I sense disaster. Or penguins. Or… Penguin Disasters!
    Oh and a door. Where does the door lead?


    Oh man, the two new travelling trio’s are taking this comic into amazing new territories. Both literally and figuratively. I’m so stoked.


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