1. Dendrago

    I eagerly await your return :-)
    Also, that fan art picture still cracks me up every time I look at it.

  2. Arantor

    I know exactly what you mean, guys, life does take unexpected turns, just keep on truckin’! :)

  3. Crampso

    it’s funny cause i get surgery in the 14th

  4. Nexall

    There are no few more happy for your return than I. The laughs i got out of this comic seemed to have lost there way lately I hope this will show them the way back to me as a giant bug lighthouse would.

    Glad you’re back guys.

  5. NoriMori

    Yayyyy! *does a happy dance*

    Funny that this came the day after I looked at my Google Reader and thought, “Hang on, why’s it been so long since I got anything in my Blank It feed?” Then I noticed from comments that I wasn’t the only one wondering what happened, so I decided to post my own little “I’m worried!” comment on your last news update, and then the next day — voilà! Here you are, assuring us all that neither of you have died! :D

    I’m looking forward to the continuation of your awesomeness. ;)

  6. E_is_for_Eric

    This is wonderful news. Thanks for the update guys!

  7. MultiversalInk

    Yess! Finally, I’ve missed all these hilarious shenanigans!

    It’s so great that you’re coming back, I was getting worried.

  8. undeadoranges

    Glad you’re updating, but we understand that other things take priority. The fans can survive long hiatuses. As long as the comic doesn’t die completely, I’m happy.

  9. PolleN112

    My joy cannot be expressed in words. But this is awesome news.

  10. cheetaboy7

    I’ve missed you

  11. Ryan


  12. Arantor

    Also, did you guys close the forum down today? It was working earlier, if quiet, but it seems to be gone now…

  13. MarshmallowRadiation



  14. Shaelyn

    I was seriously worried this comic had run its course. you have no idea how happy I am that it’s returning <3 thanks for the update!

  15. Lemmo

    The forums were covered in horrible, horrible spam. Same with the wiki. While those were fun things, they just weren’t guarded.
    We’re leaving these comment sections in place, though.

  16. Nexall

    dang the forums would have been great… oh well I didn’t learn of them until 3/4 of the way through the hiatus so easy come easy go i guess.
    Anyhow glad to have you back and off the other page, the comments were far too many in number and far to wide a range of topics even for this place.

  17. Lineov

    Good to know you guys are still out there!

  18. noisyparker

    Stay frosty, and I am looking forward to new yummy BlankIt goodness!

  19. inusushi

    I closed down my forums long ago for the same reason. With a comments section, having a forum is pretty much redundant.

  20. Lantash

    Your back, the king will hear of this!

    Great news.

  21. Sir Matt

    I was getting worried there. Welcome back and I look forward to reading new comics again.

  22. Doc

    Hooray! With the wonderful tale you’ve woven, I can’t be upset over this hiatus even a little :]

  23. Mell

    Thanks Lemmo :) can’t wait to see the awesome new stuff

  24. GUYPERSON!!!!!

    Finally!!!! I Will NEVER give up hope!!! YAYYY!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. dagonboy6666

    they’re back!!!! The only thing missing from this return of greatness is asome dramic music playing. Oh wait I have an Mp3 player. I just play dramic music While I reread this news of great asomeness.

  26. random man

    would the plural form of hiatus be hiati or hiatuses? octopus end in -us and becomes octopi, and the same thing happens with cactus, but if you have a word like bus, it doesn’t become bi. so which would it be?

  27. ShinRaiten

    Well, your efforts are apprecaited. Looking forward to seeing you folks back once more in any event.

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