Drawing Attention

Shirts for Soldiers

Our shirts have been on the store for about two years now, and Aric and I still have a hefty stock. An opportunity has been presented to us, so this is the proposal we’ve come up with.

For each shirt bought from now until Thanksgiving, We will donate one of our shirts to an active duty American serviceperson through a donation program.

Buy a shirt,
Donate a shirt.

The shirts will only be available as long as we have twice the number to donate. Or if you want, you can even request to donate your bought shirt, effectively donating two shirts for the cost of one if you want to get in on the giving. In turn, Aric and I will send you a gift package of merchandise and original artwork as a thank you.

The troops will get the shirts in time for Christmas, you will get a discontinued first-run piece of merch, and I won’t have boxes full of shirts guilting me from neglect. It’s full of win across the board. First come first serve until we run out of stock.

Support Blank It and support soldiers overseas. I’m not the most patriotic guy really, but there’s just something sour with the idea that we have dozens of shirts never worn when soldiers are running out of clean clothes.

Life is hard, so are comics.

Yes, I elected to have kids. Yes, I knew it would impact my hobbies and ambitions. Yes, I was a jackass who was hounding others about update schedules no less than a year ago. Still, this isn’t the vision of the fun bohemian lifestyle I was aiming for. Alas, these dark times will pass someday… maybe when the younger one starts walking, I tell myself.

I have your latest comic in the works, and I aim to have it done by Wednesday, but if I miss that, know I’m trying my best with what time I have.

In the meantime, check out Aric’s podcast network, Noise Picnic. He’s dumping an awful lot of love into that project.

Courtesy Post

Tonight my daddy duty got called onto assignment when my wife became ill. I managed to get a lot of comic work done nonetheless, but not quite finished.

I’d post the black-and-white for you guys, but history has shown that if I do that, I might neglect going back and coloring it later. So let’s just wait an extra day.

Support me an Aric alternatively. Listen to Mustache Rangers and read Northwind. Ta!

Real Life Cut in Line

Update: I made some progress last night, but not enough. Looks like we’re aiming for Friday!

Hey everybody! The comic is delayed due to getting called in to work. It’s partly done, and I was half-tempted to upload the work in progress, but I like the art too much on this one to sully it with early peeks.

If Blank It paid my bills, it would come first, but we all know how that rolls. Relax, breathe, and I’ll upload it when I get a chance.

In the meantime, are you reading Northwind? Because Mollu doesn’t miss her updates.

Moving to Wednesdays

Sorry I forgot to mention it guys, I think we’ll be updating on Wednesdays for the summertime. See you ‘morrow!