Pericles Van Mudgett

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Pericles Van Mudgett was, until named by Lemmo, one of the Unsettlers. He appeared to explain to Aric and Lemmo that they were disruptive elements and had to leave the Hamlet. Once Lemmo was given the opportunity to name yet another being he gleefully took it, naming the Unsettler Pericles and brought him into focus.[1] As it is shameful for the unsettlers to stand out in any way, he was not happy to be forced into focus. Given that now he is a solid and touchable it remains to be seen what will come of him.

Pericles is about the same height as Lemmo and wears a Red Tunic with a Yellow Trim, Grey Trousers and Red Shoes. He has light brown hair.

[edit] References

  1. 2009-05-04 Introductions
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