
Northwind is online!

Those of you who stopped by our MIX booth might have met Molly (A.K.A Mollu), and seen her book War of the Webcomics. If you didn’t, because you’re a denizen of the internet I suspect, then now’s your chance to see her (well, our) new project: Northwind.

Northwind is actually a comic we thought up before Aric and I started doing Blank It, and never had the time to put it all together. Well, now it’s live, and updating every Tuesday. It’s written by me and drawn by Mollu, which is a fun role reversal in my case. You won’t see much of me over there, though, I want Mollu to enjoy her creative experience as much as possible without my troublesome meddling.

The first page is up today, but her War of the Webcomics story is already in the archives. Go check it out!

Always With The Updates!

Very shortly, Aric should have the Blank It Store updated with the Volume 1 books available for purchase. Whatever’s up there is the last of the first run printing, when they’re gone, they’re gone. Oh, and we took the liberty of signing them. Because people love their possessions scribbled on, I’m sure.

We are very satisfied with how the book turned out, so we may print more. But they’ll probably be a little modified. This first run will be distinguishable. Collectors items, even.

And hey! While I’m inflating the value of our stuff, Aric and I were so satisfied with the last strip, that we’ve decided to put the art up for auction! It’ll run until the end of the week. I do hope it finds a good home, this is one we’re proud of. Happy bidding!

Welcome, old and new!

If you’re coming to the website after having seen us at MIX, welcome! And what a show that was. I think MIX is our new “home base” expo/convention. If y’all ever want to come see us, the Indie XPO is probably the best venue for it. It’s free to attend, and there’s plenty of talented artists to fill the place.

If you want to start from the beginning, I suggest going here.

If you preordered the book or had outstanding merchandise orders, they shipped out this week so you should hopefully get them soon. We’d love to hear your comments on the book! Aric and I are inventorying the book supply, and it’s not much, but we’ll have the rest of the books on the store by the end of the week. Thanks for your support!

MIX and Books! MIX and BOOKS!

If you preordered a copy of Blank It Volume 1, your order will be shipping out on Monday, along with any pending merchandise orders. But! If you preordered the book and plan on attending the Minneapolis Indie XPO on Saturday, we’ll have your book on hand and we’ll of course refund your shipping.

As a bonus! Those who preordered will get a copy of the mini-comic for “Spilling the Beans”, which will of course also be on sale at MIX. If we have any left over, maaaybe we’ll sell them online. But these are the perks of coming to see us in person or supporting us forthright, you see.

Aric and I will be tweeting about MIX from MIX and before MIX and probably a little after MIX. Follow us at @lemmo and @aric and watch for the #mix2010 hashtag. Hopefully we’ll just see you there.

MiX & City Pages

The Minneapolis Indie Expo is coming up on August 21st, and we will be there!

But beyond that, the City Pages put out their annual comics issue. And guess who has a strip in it!

You don’t have to guess. It’s us. It’s like a free bonus strip for the week! Enjoy!

And, before you ask, no. It isn’t canonical. I think you’re reading too much into things.