Cap au Abandonment


  1. LynxAenslade

    that’s a good way to figure out where they are ^^ that’s true.
    (but how a hat is suposed to steal itself ? XD)

  2. Arantor

    Last time we saw Lemmo without his hat in a comic strip, he was either in tears or swinging upside down from a rope…

    How does he cope?

    And, no I don’t trust it either :P

  3. Renee87

    Reminds me of my fiance.

  4. Tamfang

    Clearly the hat is his slave.

    psst: au is never used before a vowel in French.

  5. socksbot

    lol lemmo “I DONT TRUST HIM”

  6. Me

    Idk if i would keep walkin with em……

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