Missing the Comic-Con

I know, I know. “But you guys have 11 strips up!” That may seem like enough content to storm the Artist’ Alley at Comic-Con International, but think again. You can’t convert 11 comic strips into gasoline. It costs money to drag the Airstream that Lem and I share down to sunny San Diego. And there are mountains in the way of the journey! Have you seen those drops? I’m not made of flexible rubber. Falling off a cliff makes me die.

Don’t worry. This cramped Airstream (what are all these Mason jars filled with anyway?) isn’t going anywhere. Lem and I are safe and sound in Minnesota. There will be no mountainous antics for us. Unless you consider the mountain of rage building inside of me because of all these Mason jars. Seriously, Pew! What is all this? I can barely move my feet without spilling this liquid or that.

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