Waving to the Past

So I did that thing where I emailed cartoonists from my past. It was awkward. How do you smoothly say “Hey guys, I’m back! Took a little three year break from this whole webcomic business. Boy, was I sleepy! I see you’ve kept at it all this time. That’s pretty awesome. Anyways, here’s my link!” I must have done it wrong, because nobody is saying anything. OR! I did it too right!

Feeling a little bit of longing for the San Diego Comic-Con. Not that I ever profited from it. Planes and hotels cost money, and I never made shirts to sell. It is just a fantastic place to meet people. And that’s coming from someone who is almost a shut-in!

I remembered the other day that I can write with a pen and paper instead of the computer. That was a little freeing. Still feel a little stupid, but that’s par for the course.

Is that enough writing? Can I go now?

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