Extra comical activities

The Blank It gang (all two of us (can two people be a gang?)) has been all over the place in recent weeks.

For one, we went to Fallcon and met a lot of comic fans and creators. It was a great time. I know I should be listing a lot of names of people we met and their websites, but this is an off the cuff post. I would need to go back to my records for anything so in depth. At any rate, thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth. Meeting smiling faces was nice.

Secondly, Lem and I participated in the Teen Read Week at the St. Paul public library. By “participate,” I mean we were on a panel with a handful of comic artists and writers. Lem took charge. I clammed up. It was weird. Overall, it was nice to talk to teens interested in creating comics. Or talk at them. It was a panel, after all. Everyone on the panel was…I keep saying “nice” and “great.” Everyone on the panel was super to meet. Meh, that’ll work for now.

What is our next event? Dunno. I guess we’ll continue to work hard making a comic for the internet. There is some crazy stuff coming up. Continue to spread the word of Blank It to your friends and family. And feel free to email us. We’re happy to chat.

^ One Comment...

  1. Sabrina

    Hi! I’m a big fan of your comics and was hoping if maybe you and Mr. Pew would be interested in having an online interview with me? (It’s for a paper I’m doing on comics!) If you guys are, I’d love if you’d e-mail me a response back! (Because for some reason, I can’t seem to click on the e-mail button on this site…) Heh, heh… Oh! And my name’s Sabrina, by the way! (Guess I shoulda mentioned that first…) If you can’t, I understand. You’re busy dudes. ^-^ Thanks!

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