Double Entendre


  1. DragoNero

    “Did your eye just have a baby?”
    “I be the bug pilot, yah idjiot”

    Classic…. an absolute classic…. gunna have the whole lecture rolling on the floor with thtis 1

  2. Jloopy

    The pilot is… Russian? Russian bugs… well I guess it make sense.

  3. tesla

    For some reason I think that’s some sort of implied Caribbean accent.

  4. Goriath

    I interperted it as a pirate accent myself

  5. reader

    Doh. I didn’t realize the voice in the previous comic came from the bug, I thought it was Lemmo breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to us.

    With his watery eyes in the previous panel that seemed to make sense, but now that I look at it again I realize the speech bubble points to the bug and not Lemmo.

  6. lemmo

    I think I once promised that we’ll never break the fourth wall with this comic. Even if I didn’t promise it, I can strongly say I never, ever want to.

  7. Miesa

    well i actually didnt see that one coming. lol. and thank you for saying youre not going to break the fourth wall. its cheasy and gimmicky

  8. Miesa

    ((and i totally saw it as a scottish accent))

  9. Renee

    Regarding the statement of the Russian accent…

    “Russian components…American components…ALL made in TAIWAN!”

  10. Parrot

    Holy —-

    That freaked me out.
    Everything else in the comic is just like … ‘-shrug-’ or ‘haha’ but the bug pilot?! WRONNNG.

  11. socksbot

    i immediately get redneck accent

  12. socksbot

    stemming from idjiot

  13. NoriMori


  14. NoriMori

    “Doh. I didn’t realize the voice in the previous comic came from the bug, I thought it was Lemmo breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to us.

    With his watery eyes in the previous panel that seemed to make sense, but now that I look at it again I realize the speech bubble points to the bug and not Lemmo.”

    I made that mistake too, but then I looked again and I was like, “…OHHH…”

  15. Couldahadav8

    I thought of it as a Pirate accent, too–but I love the idea of a Caribbean accent, maybe even more Jamaican. I never even thought of that!

  16. NoriMori

    I thought of it as either pirate or Scottish. Cuz the “idjiot” thing reminds me of that pirate in Peter and the Starcatchers. I wanna say his name is “Shank”, but that doesn’t feel right…

  17. switch

    It’s a Jamaican-Carribean-Scottish-Redneck accent! I thought it was Scottish. I could hear the gutteral pronunciation in my head. Or was that Clarence?

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