Is It Funny Today?

There is a clever new webcomics website up called Is It Funny Today? It takes a list of webcomics and lets the masses vote on if the most recent comic is funny or if it is not.

The actual question may be a little flawed, especially for story driven comics that don’t necessarily try to bring the knee slappers every day. But it is a nifty site anyways. You should give it a look. And, you know, also vote Blank It as funny while you’re there. You know, if you think it is.


  1. reader

    I’d definitely like to vote for Blank It, but I can’t find it. I searched for “blank” and “blankit” (their tags don’t allow for spaces) and came up empty.

  2. Lemmo

    Blank It doesn’t seem to score very high on the funny-meter of the internet. I think it’s because we don’t use the word poop enough. Or at all.

  3. Arantor

    I still think Blank It is frickin’ hilarious. I did manage to find it on there, actually and have voted. Sadly it’s only 3:2 in favour of funny at the moment.

  4. EP

    I think you guys got shafted by being put in the ‘story’ comics part of the site, simply because your comic comes in short enough chunks that it is hard for a single episode to fit into a chunk you’d consider to be ‘good storytelling’. Really I don’t think there should be a story comics part of the site, because it misses the point that forcing things into two camps, funny or not funny, is pretty arbitrary. Some strips are bound to be funny and some are bound to be not, but getting chunked into “Is it good? -> NO” is pretty lame.
    Also the last handful of strips (almost all of the ones in the isitfunnyornot archive) are pretty contextual and have no meaning when read by an uninitiated reader. My suggestion would be to ignore the site, because you wouldn’t want to change your narrative style to be more compatible to some website that gets you maybe 30 readers a day.
    But if it does matter to you, you might want to petition the site to give you Funny or Not status, simply because if you have a hilarious day (I laughed out loud when the bug had confetti in it) it might draw more people in to the story of the comic and get you a few regular readers.

  5. Lemmo

    I vote for not caring!

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