Arbitrary Time Passage

It’s the end of another year. After writing that sentence, I decided to look at when this silly comic strip started. The beginning of June! Holy crap, we’ve been doing Blank It for half a year already! That seems impossible. It feels more like a week.

But here we are, six months later and up to our necks in adventure. And readers! We’re happy to have everyone who has made Blank It a part of their comic reading schedule. At least, I am happy about you. I assume Lem is happy about your presence too, but I’m not about to put words in to the mouth of the non-comic version of Lem.

There are a lot of adventures to come, so stick around and bring your friends. We’re not going anywhere. The real us. The fake comic us are going all over the place. Actually, now I’m jealous of them. Nothing like writing a blog post to bring me down. I hope you’re all happy.


  1. Arantor

    I’m happy! Monday and Thursday have never been the same since discovering Blank It.

  2. macksting

    Thankfully, if BlankIt were to Winter, we’d still have Something*Positive and 8-Bit Theatre for our Mondays and Thursdays.
    I’d definitely miss BlankIt, though. It has become a very regular part of my onlinyness.

  3. lemmo

    You ass, you did not just use my dead comic as a verb for dying comics!

  4. aric

    Pay no attention to Lemmo. That’s hi-larious.

  5. Arantor

    I know one thing – that boy Hot Soup keeps getting around, he doesn’t just stay in Lethal Doses…

    And Lemmo, you could really turn the tables and reinstate Winter… resurrecting old comic-ness did seem to be a feature of 2008.

  6. macksting

    *laughs* Hey, that comic captured my heart! I’ve still got a Penelope wallpaper laying around. It’s not personal, I know things just didn’t work out, but if it’s become a verb you’ve that and yourself to blame. :)

  7. boring7

    Well Lemmo, all I’m going to say is that the only reason I stumbled upon this amusing and quality comic is because I still have my ancient dusty bookmark for Winter comic.

    It was purty…

  8. macksting

    I’m pretty certain that redirect existed specifically for folks like us, who kept dusting off the Winter bookmark. Just every few months or so, we’d look again…

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