2009 and Feeling Good-ish

I know, I wasted an opportunity to rhyme “2009″ with “fine” in the post subject. Get over it.

We have made it to a new year, and what does that mean? More comics. Lem and I have worked out the plot for the next six months (six months???), and we’re ready to keep moving forward with this crazy illustrated adventure.

Want to hear some interesting behind the scenes stuff? While Lem was on his honeymoon in September, I decided to try and freak him out by emailing a crazy rambling paragraph describing this bug that is going to crash into the shovel beam. Well, we’ve finally reached the end of that insane paragraph. And it turned out pretty great. It makes me think that I should try to freak out Lem more often. Maybe if I put spiders in his hair.

Anywho, happy 2009 to you, whatever it means to you. Stick with us and continue to spread the word. We’re happy to have you along for the ride.


  1. Arantor

    I hates bugs but the Giant Flying Nightmare Monster was great. And Fergus just seems somehow more part of the universe than everyone else.

    The question left to resolve is where is the Socks Fox?

  2. macksting

    I’m fond of spiders. If I found out that spiders were in my hair, I’d end up very carefully trying to shake them free.
    That would be sad and frustrating, as I’d fear to hurt any of them.

    I was always afraid I’d react violently to a spider landing on me, the way one does when a fly or mosquito lands on him. I was much reassured when, one day, a spider did land on my arm and I simply stared at it, let it crawl onto my hand, and sent it gently on its way.

  3. camerbob

    Question: Does the fact that they are walking on, purple as it may be, water mean anything? Since they are the creators (save the “TerminAric”), does it mean that they are indeed gods? Well, making the universe qualifies you as divine, I guess, but he just walked away on water without a breeze of doubt going through his semi-empty mind. Truly, I am confused.

  4. macksting

    Who’s to say Automaric (or Terminaric, if you prefer) isn’t a god?

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