New Blank It Review

What’s that? You want to read a review of Blank It paired with its Theater of the Absurd inspirations? You, my good friend, are in luck. Jackson Ferrel over at This Week in Webcomics has put up this splendid review of Blank It.

The review holds enough interest for seasoned fans and newcomers alike. It provides a great introduction to the strip along with some strong analysis. I’m a fan of when people say nice things about me too.

Also, you should totally rent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. Or see it live. Whatever.


  1. Kate

    Absolutely brilliant film, that. Love the innocent dabbling in basic physics.

  2. Arantor

    *proffers cap* Better than my review was. And had more readers too, no doubt.

  3. macksting

    How did I miss the parallels between these two and R&GAD?
    Funny how that play’s been coming up again and again lately.

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