Against the Elements


  1. Shinlink

    Where did the wind come from? Also is that makeshift tree now emitting light?

  2. Goriath

    Oooooo is our little world about to become more dark and sinister? Did the giant flying exoskeletal-machine have glow in the dark bits because when “night” comes on this plane very dark things creep about?

  3. Bubble

    Maybe the world (or whatever) is developing the weather? Who knows, and will we ever find out?….

    Great job though, cracks me up with every new page!

  4. Miesa

    ooooo super palm tree night light~!

  5. Ray

    A glowing palm tree, weather, & night-time(Of sorts.). How interesting, still, it looks like they’ll be stranded for a while. Also, I wonder how they’re going to deal with their almost constant lack of food?

  6. Somebody

    When was the last time you saw someone eat in any comic strip?

  7. lemmo

    For the record, at least we have plausible explanations for our guys not eating or using the bathroom. We just haven’t explored them in the strip yet.

  8. Kris-face

    Perhaps they can both be explained in one (rather disgusting) fell swoop.

  9. lemmo



    Or perhaps release them in a rather lengthy documentary format about “The Physics of the BlankIt World.” Either way, it’s a very interesting change.

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