Shifty Pompadour


  1. macksting

    Oh dear. Clearly the shovel beam itself has become sarcastic.

  2. Bobo

    How does that hat stay on?

  3. Daniel

    It’s magic! MAGIC!

  4. Jackson

    By way of Lemmo holding it on in the third panel, apparently?

  5. thornographer

    he was holding on to the hat

  6. macksting

    He always has a hat-holding hand.

  7. thornographer

    untill it gets cut off again : p


    It appears that dawn comes rather violently to this world….

  9. capnprophetic

    Nah, dawn jes’ likes ta wrassle ever’ once in a while. Hyuk hyuk.

  10. boring7

    Lemmo’s experiences in hat-wearing have given him cat-like reflexes, if cats wore hats that is.

  11. Yogurt?

    I think the sky looks a bit more realistic now.

  12. macksting

    “Lemmo’s experiences in hat-wearing have given him cat-like reflexes, if cats wore hats that is.”
    I have an answer that, but I hate Seuss.

  13. NoriMori

    WTF?? Macksting, you hate Seuss??? I hope you’re being facetious…

    I love Aric’s hair in the last panel. It totally should’ve stayed that way! XD

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