Just RSS It

Blank It updates Mondays and Thursdays, and I admit that is a little weird. But, you know what? We’re in the future. And in the future, there are RSS feeds for everything. RSS feeds to remind you when comics are updated, and to read them.

The RSS feed for Blank It is RIGHT HERE for your ease of use.

What’s that? You don’t have an RSS reader? Well, they’re free and super easy to use. I non-recommend Google and highly recommend Netvibes as your RSS reader. It is great and I use it all day every day.

Now you can get news, blog updates, and comic updates all in one place. How easy is that?


  1. sandchigger

    Um… just FYI, it’s not updating in Livejournal for some reason. It’s giving a ‘too big’ error.

  2. Lemmo

    Yeah. I have no idea what that’s about, since the format for the feed has never changed. It’ll probably require a support ticket to look into it further.

  3. Megan

    *happy dances* I love that you guys are in minneapolis :) just found (and finished reading) your comic today :) I hope I can get time off of work next week.

  4. Elia

    Great Webcomic. Just finished reading the archives.
    BTW, I use the morning coffee add on for firefox.
    You load your webcomics by the day they update. You then click on the morning coffee icon each day and presto! All your favorite webcomics.
    Blankit is already there. And I read 2 webcomics that update on mondays and thrusday so its not THAT odd.
    (LookingforGroup and Phoenix Requiem)

  5. Megan

    just read the tweet: “short people should wear flags like on fire hydrants when walking around cubicles” and had to laugh quite enthusiastically. HIlarious.

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