Beastly Beaut


  1. Frances

    Wow. First nowhereland, now a jungle? I’m hoping there will be huge stag beetles in the next one…

  2. gangler

    um gee. This universe seems a bit more… full than the previous universe.

  3. Ray

    Wait, how did they get out so fast?

  4. inusushi

    Hey Aric, why the long face? Hurr hurr.

  5. Chard

    Hmm… if the canvas is no longer blank, is it still Blank It? Not that I didn’t expect the comic to ever leave the Canvas, but… ya know.

  6. Defier of Physics

    Oh noes! Not a field of sentient vines! Anything but that! They’ll use “bind” and then you will never get a chance to attack!

  7. E_is_for_Eric

    What is this I don’t even…

  8. Fire arms

    Cool I wonder what painful/funny thing will happen to Aric here

  9. Socksbot

    @defier of physics lol and what if they use grass knot it’s super effective

  10. Mr.Biggelsworth

    If this was a movie they should be playing “Welcome to the Jungle”

  11. cheetaboy7


  12. RGSwan

    Seems like they’ve been miniaturized. Something tells me the giant bugs will be back, but this time, there won’t be other bugs piloting them.

    Or maybe they’ve become the robots’ pets.

  13. E_is_for_Eric

    I just noticed Aric’s camel face. Hahaha.

  14. Why Is The Sky Green?!

    Ok. Arics face= Me totally freaking out!
    :D This be my first comment!!

  15. Tony

    This is the first time we’ve ever seen greenery in blankit. Ever.

  16. Why Is The Sky Green?!

    Clearly ninjas are going to pop out of the jungle and throw hand grenades at them and then they will dodge them and run thru the jungle and since he seems to have bad luck these days, Aric will trip on a shovel and rule the ninjas with it’s golden awesomenosity power.

  17. Why Is The Sky Green?!

    Ok. Stupid question here. What’s with the W on the side of Lemmos face?

  18. The Duke of Gravity

    I knew it was vegetables.

  19. Music-chan

    Clearly…..this is not at all clear. ;)

  20. MarshmallowRadiation

    @ sky green: that be facial hair

    btw, I onder If any characters from the pervious world (namely the beam people) will be returning. I want to know how things turn out with them.

  21. Why Is The Sky Green?!

    Ooooh ok. @MarshmallowRadiation: thanks.

    I didn’t know facial hair grew in letters now-a-days. Lol

  22. Renee


  23. Rentok

    I smell the rum of a jah-may-cuhn.

    Pirate adventure in the jungle, courtesy of Lemmo.

  24. macksting

    So what?

  25. Glo

    Oooh, it’s beautiful!

    I don’t think they’ve left the canvas, this is just one spot that became differently populated. I can’t wait for the next adventure! *does the impatience dance*

  26. cheetaboy7


    Its a refrence to “Speaking in Code”

  27. cheetaboy7

    Wait, were you just compleeting my reference or did you not get the joke?

  28. NoriMori

    Finally Aric’s got the bad luck again… XD

    When I saw his face I was like, “WTF??” but then I looked at the previous one and was like, “Ohhh… Lol.”


    “Wow. First nowhereland, now a jungle? I’m hoping there will be huge stag beetles in the next one…”

    I love you. <3

    @Why Is The Sky Green?!

    "Clearly ninjas are going to pop out of the jungle and throw hand grenades at them and then they will dodge them and run thru the jungle and since he seems to have bad luck these days, Aric will trip on a shovel and rule the ninjas with it’s golden awesomenosity power."

    Well, clearly. XD

  29. Why Is The Sky Green?!

    @NoriMori: Clearly. What else could happen? :P

  30. Socksbot

    Lol just realized arics new face blends in with the new jungle surroundings and I hate autocorrect on my iPod

  31. Jaz

    I’m waiting for a giant lawnmower to eat the world.
    -jaz out

  32. GodOfAwesome

    It be the bugs. I stick to the penguin bug war theory. Maybe this is a war zone, and the penguins are invading?

  33. Lipkin

    Clearly these are not really plants, but the green hairs of a giant. Clearly.

  34. dagonboy6666

    “Ok. Stupid question here. What’s with the W on the side of Lemmos face?”

    If you look closely at the his hat you see a Z with a line through it.

  35. dagonboy6666

    The line is an I. ZWI. Zaped while Intoxicated.

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