Obligatory Five Man Reference


  1. Timeline

    This comic is just.. so amazing.

  2. Xajek


  3. cheetaboy7

    Spider, Spikes, Tattoos, old people, and cribbage? Now THAT sounds like a party! Where do I sign up?

  4. Wolfox

    (wow) – dangers is right! What could be more dangerous than the obvious, regrettable tattoos, old people wanting to play cribbage, and… spider mittens? Uhm, ok, I’ll have to think about that one, though I DO dislike things with more than 4 legs.
    (man, I haven’t played cribbage in forever!)

  5. Karl

    Bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite!!!!


    bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite

  6. SamVimes

    You’ve not had a full life untill you have an unwanted tatoo




  8. marca311

    I’ll never look at mittens (and signs) the same way again!

  9. macksting

    If this is a species, we may look forward to seeing more of their like later.

  10. Asok

    A Futurama reference, and old people playing cribbage. This is probably the best page yet.

  11. Camerbob

    perfect on a buggy day.

  12. Piemaster

    Caution: Old People Wanting To Play Cribbage.
    OMG I ROFL’D at this comic.

  13. Glo

    But I don’t know how to play cribbage! Ahhh! I do think the bitey signs are kinda cute. Bitey… but cute.

    Are they still malleable? Maybe getting chomped on wouldn’t be so bad in that state.

    Now, about that tattoo…

  14. Unlisted

    I REALLY want to know what that last sign says now

  15. Why Is The Sky Green?!

    Spider mittens… Is that mittens that are made out of spiders or mittens that spiders wear…? Regrettable tatoos… Is that a brand of tatoos or the tatoo you get you will regret it…? And the old people are only WANTING to play cribbage… So don’t fret yet! Fret when they actually play it…

  16. Why Is The Sky Green?!

    Tattoo…. Lol. Darn typos….

  17. MarshmallowRadiation

    Caution: sign monsters ahead.

  18. gram

    Holy crap, Lem! You think we’re OLD?!?

  19. Rentok

    What? No “Beware of Cat” sign?

  20. MultiversalInk

    Ninja signs, then, not ninja plants. Oh well.

  21. Minando

    I was al law-abiding sign once.
    Didn´t I warn you again and again: no trespassing, do not park your car here, do not let your dog crap on the street, but nooo…you are in trouble now punk !!

  22. Defier of Physics

    @Multiversallnk: They are ninja-sign-plants! Beware!
    @Rentok: Perhaps the last sign is a “Beware of Cat/Dog/other fierce pet” sign
    Now I can’t stop thinking about mittens with spider legs crawling about the burning junkyard outside the penguin city.

  23. BlueSox

    HAhahaHAhahahaha!! I’m so loving this!

  24. MultiversalInk

    @Defier of Physics: Of course! And the last sign probably says “beware of ninja sign plants” or “beware of sign!”

  25. Defier of Physics

    A “Beware of Sign” sign would be hilarious! Naturally, that sign is sitting in the arms of a dosing elderly man named Danger!

  26. MultiversalInk

    @Defier of Physics: A dozing elderly man named Danger who wants to play cribbage? And has spider mittens and spikes and regrettable tattoos?

  27. Defier of Physics

    Oh, cribbage, the only classic card game that requires a board to play…

  28. Lemmo

    It doesn’t require it, I’ve played cribbage with a score tally on a sheet of paper. But you need to know how many points before you win.

  29. Glo

    That’s it, I’m going to have to Google cribbage! Can’t stand it any longer, the sign got me. Luckily I dodged the “regrettable tattoo” fella when I was 18 and lured into the garage of some guy that printed his “business cards” on condom wrappers. I was almost the girl with the crappy scorpion tattoo. *whew*

  30. Scooby the Mouse

    YAY for more comics on-line. I was jonesin’ for ‘em after finishing ‘shirt…goes…down’. Bought it at MIX, and met you real, live and in person! (Did you get enough donuts?)

  31. AllCaps

    Spider mittens…. HECK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Midget9

    Beware of spikes…forshadow?

  33. Mell

    Think perhaps our heroes will be rescued again by the robots?

  34. Lemmo

    Crib is my favorite card game, bar none, but 500 Bid is a close second. Or pretty much any euchre game.

  35. Xajek

    I’ll add that in my book of etremely useful information.

  36. Xajek

    Sarcasm sucks with typos D:

  37. NoriMori


  38. Socksbot

    Lol I took the möbius strip comic into my geometry teachers class and he loved it

  39. Aman firehawk

    Hey… Where new comic? I pay good money for app and I want comic. What? The app is free? Why does no one tell me this stuff?!

  40. lemmo

    Sorry guys. I started to dream while working on the comic at about 4:30am last night, and when I thought people were coming up behind me and got spooked by my bookshelf, I decided it was time to check out. New comic is up, sorry for the delay.

  41. NoriMori

    XD Lol, well it’s not technically late, cuz it’s still Monday (at least, it is where I am), it’s just later than expected. It’s all good! We’re just grateful! XD

  42. AwesomeX

    when did aric get his shoes back?

  43. Ray

    I wonder what spider mittens are? And does Spiderman wear them?

  44. AllCaps

    spider man so wears spider mittins

  45. NoriMori


    “…when I thought people were coming up behind me and got spooked by my bookshelf…”

    Lol, just now, when I read that, I thought you were saying that you thought the people sneaking up behind you were being spooked by your bookshelf. XD

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