Out On a Limb


  1. PolleN112

    If only they had an energy beam of some sort. Perhaps garden tool based?

  2. E_is_for_Eric

    His arm is improved, just like his hat!

  3. Parrot

    The manliest way to tell your age.

  4. Rentok

    It is also a lot better for punching, as it is no longer soft and fleshy, but hard and woody.

  5. Dasaki

    He has such an amazing woody. >.> ok joke is overused i know, well hopfully at least his arm will come of use later on.

  6. Raiten

    A battering ram that always on hand? Sorry. But you probably could make short work of a door with it. If they come across a door at some point.

  7. Canada

    I can’t tell if Aric’s kidding or not. O.O

  8. Defier of Physics

    Lemmo clearly is annoyed at Aric, but I can’t help but feel like he doesn’t want to lose his arm again. Maybe because it is “improved,” like his hat, he has become very attached to it.


    Cue the hand juice machine!

    I’m curious about how he’ll feel about only having one sleeve if his arm returns to ormal.

  10. Ray

    Wait, his age is important right now?

  11. Lazy

    Need a hand? Perhaps you’re out of firewood, or you’ve forgotten your age. Well, fear not! Coming straight from Woodley Armstrong Co., It’s the limb-o-branch! (Must be ??? or older to order.)

  12. the1truesushiboy

    I’m new… I just started reading and am caught up. This comic is awesome. That is all.

  13. Piemaster

    for al we know that wood arm could be hollow.

    Just sayin.

  14. Thebrum

    In the event that his hand was severed, while trying to find Lemmo’s age for example, would hand juice restore a flesh hand on a wooden limb? If the entire appendage were lost, would theoretical arm juice replace his wooden arm or revert to the original one?

    Im of the opinion that the wood has naturalised itself with the rest of his body (thereby allowing him to use it like normal) and its new form is now its default one.
    Such an theory would however render juice useless in ‘fixing’ Lemmo’s anatomy.

  15. Why Is The Sky Green?!

    @thebrum: I think you just made my brain explode. I got to the second paragraph and was like.. 

    Also, I don’t get it? Why did Aric say that in the last panel? This is like, the first one I don’t understand…

  16. Defier of Physics

    Aric’s face in the last panel is kind of creepy. I hope he isn’t seriously considering cutting off Lemmo’s hand (despite not the lack of cutting tools). Aric is supposed to be the responsible one that acts like this!

    I know he originally really wanted to find out the rules of this universe, and I am all for science, but can’t picture Aric trying to saw off Lemmo’s hand. Then again, he did do *this* too.
    and tried *this*

  17. M

    @why is the sky green?!
    Lemmo says that he could cut his arm open and count the rings to tell his age, like a tree. Aric then asks him if he actually knows how old he is. So when Lemmo says no, Aric suggests (without actually saying it) that they cut his arm open. You can tell he means this when Lemmo says ‘what, that thing I just said?’ as in cutting his arm open. Okay, I think I just confuzzled you a lot more.

  18. Socksbot

    Im guessing since with a regular leg of a chair or wooden appendage in this case it seems cut and shaved down to where it has a sorta polished look meaning it either wouldnt have all the rings or may not even have a full ring meaning telling the age from a part wouldnt be accurate his midsection would have to be “infected” and then cut in half for an accurate or somwhat accurate age this is assuming that age even matters in this universe because all humans or percieved humans look to be the same age again assuming that in this universe time passes and if time didnt pass there would not be an “age”

  19. Mikiee


    Well referring to the hand juice, in the case where the can of hand juice was spilled a group of human hands formed… Based on that, I would assume that the hand juice would restore hands on any substance, wood or not.. That said I doubt the joke of hand juice will b re used, kind of makes his arm transformation pointless… If anything he will more likely start turning more into wood

  20. Minando

    Congratulations, we hope you enjoy your new Leatherman-multitool-wooden-arm (improved version). Also, from now on you will never run out of firewood.

  21. NoriMori


    “Im guessing since with a regular leg of a chair or wooden appendage in this case it seems cut and shaved down to where it has a sorta polished look meaning it either wouldnt have all the rings or may not even have a full ring meaning telling the age from a part wouldnt be accurate”

    Yeah, but since when do minor details like that matter in Blank It…? XD

  22. Desmond

    Had anybody else ever thought that Lemmo kinda looks like Tori Bellaci from Mythbusters?

  23. Why Is The Sky Green?!

    Oooh I get it now!! Thanks M!! It’s like, 3 days later, I finally get it and everyone has moved on the the next comic….

  24. NoriMori


    “Had anybody else ever thought that Lemmo kinda looks like Tori Bellaci from Mythbusters?”

    Oh my God, he totally does! :O! But no, I’d never thought that prior to reading your comment. But…he totally does! Wow, messed up… But his personality is more like a cross between Grant Imahara and Adam Savage. XD So I guess Aric is Jamie Hyneman. XD!!!

  25. EP

    does hand juice work on a whole arm or would they need arm juice?

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