Brief hiatus and other creative business

Number one. Blank It is going to be taking a brief hiatus. With new jobs and new babies come new comic schedules. And to avoid a lot of unneeded stress, we’re going to take a few weeks and figure out what schedule works to keep this comic on track.

So we will be working hard on the comic, getting ahead, and but mainly trying this and that to see what works for a new production schedule. Also, maybe babies will start sleeping through the night. That’d be nice.

Mark your calendars for the beginning of January. That’s when new Blank It strips will return.

We thank your for your support and understanding. We wouldn’t even be making this strip if it weren’t for our wonderful fans. So thank you again. And thank you.

Number two. My other creative side project, the Mustache Rangers, are starting a live weekly improv show at the newly opened HUGE Improv Theater in Uptown Minneapolis. It is 8pm on Thursdays, and is the low low price of 5 bucks.

If you live in the area, bring yourself, your wives, your husbands, your friends, your coworkers, and anyone else you know. Seriously. That is a long list of people to bring. But a show doesn’t continue if people don’t come to see it.

So help make this new show a success, and check out all the other wonderful show that are going on at HUGE Improv Theater. It’s a fantastic time for humor in the Twin Cities.


  1. macksting

    Understood. Empathy unavailable at present, so sympathy will hopefully suffice. (Want empathy, talk to a mom or dad. I ain’t there yet.)
    Good luck.

  2. Chaos Theory

    Good luck guys. Can’t wait for the new stuff!

  3. E_is_for_Eric

    As long as I get to continue to support you guys in the future, I’m perfectly content with letting you guys take as many breaks as needed. I just don’t want to see the comic come to a premature ending!

  4. inusushi

    Have you considered having more guest strips in lieu of canon updates?

  5. Rich K

    Good luck guys. I’ll look for you in the new year.

  6. them1me1you

    you guys live in the Cities?! that’s so sweet! I’m definitely looking into that show.

  7. TheWolfMI

    Babies NEVER sleep.

  8. jack

    Hey good luck with the babies!!!!!! Can’t wait for the new strips in January!

    During christmas break, I’m DEFINITELY going to go see the HUGE improv theater! Thanks for telling me about it!

  9. Music-chan

    Aw no, I will miss this comic! And I’m kinda sad that “yap yap yap yap” was how it’s going to sit for a month. =p Don’t get me wrong though, I totally understand that life is life. Just letting you know your comic makes me smile two times a week and I’ll miss that while waiting for it to start updating again :)

  10. AllCaps


  11. Couldahadav8

    I can wait, ’cause this comic is totes worth waiting for. Good luck with the baby-raising and diaper-changing!

  12. Desmond

    Congrats guys! Just one question, are we gonna have another other comic like we had previously to this? (ITN, I mean. We never finished that)

  13. Ninja

    Congrats on the newborns and take as much time as you need but not TOO long :)

  14. Matt Matt


    Whos baby is it anyway??? Wow that sounded better in my head…..

  15. Nexall

    Ya I bet it did.
    Anyways can’t wait for the new comics next year :)

  16. Default117

    Take your time. I’m sure we all know how stressful it is to get behind because of just one slow week. It’s not like we can really complain, you guys do an awesome job and it’s free!

  17. macksting

    Desmond, are you asking if this is the Wintering of Blank It? I do hope not.

  18. Jalee1

    Omg I luuuuuuuuv this comic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・’(*゚▽゚*)’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

  19. Ash3ton

    Now I wish I lived in minniapolies that improv show sounds awesome

  20. Ryan

    It’s January.

  21. E_is_for_Eric

    Which means if they post on schedule, we can expect something on Monday.

  22. dagonboy6666

    *Omg I luuuuuuuuv this comic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・’(*゚▽゚*)’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

    I agree.’

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