Power Lifters


  1. NoriMori

    FIRST!!! (Sorry, had to say it)


    It’s weird, I haven’t thought about Blank It for at least a week, and then earlier today I was like, “Hey, they still haven’t published a comic! *GASP!* *withdrawal* Must…have…comic… *shake shake* *rock rock*”

    And now HERE IT IS! MY FIX! Thank you so much, guys!

  2. NoriMori

    FIRST!!! (Sorry, had to say it)


    It’s weird, I haven’t thought about Blank It for at least a week, and then earlier today I was like, “Hey, they still haven’t published a comic! *GASP!* *withdrawal* Must…have…comic… *shake shake* *rock rock*”

    And now HERE IT IS! MY FIX! Thank you so much, guys!

    But…why did they have to lift the foxes up? :S

  3. NoriMori

    Oops, sorry about the double-post…

  4. Chaos Theory

    Awesome!!!!!! New update! I’ve been able to hold myself over with other webcomics, but BlankIt has aleways been one of the best!

    @NoriMori: Fergus doesn’t like being on solid ground?

  5. Zapheres

    Buncha meanies.

  6. Chaos Theory

    On a side note, I now have a use for that app outside of collecting figurative virtual dust! YES! ZOOOOOMMMM!!!!

  7. Midoriko

    that’s how I separate meanies too! Oh man this is so exciting, I am so happy about this update and that second panel and the meanies and EVERYTHING. Can’t wait for moreeeee

  8. Thebrum

    Been waiting for the new strip to post this: http://topwebcomics.com/
    A useful index, but they seem to have misplaced Blank It. This level of insanity deserves more recognition. Maybe we can change that.

  9. macksting

    My patience is rewarded! The plot advances!

  10. FuhrerKingLohengrin

    Its back :3

  11. cheetaboy7

    I knew refreshing this site every day for weeks would pay off!

  12. switchblademx

    Yeeeeeeesss! Awesome job as always guys, keep the goodness coming! My guess, her wanted them to br lifted so that he could better yell at them. Can’t wait to see how the punguins live. They probably have a whole air base by now!

  13. Physicsman

    Glad to see that your back from your little vacation/hiatus. I hope you got rested good.

  14. Kee

    Fergus is trying to lift parasox by the collar but can’t so he needs help from Aric and Lem.

  15. theBean

    I think that’s the first time I’ve seen a double-first in person…
    no wait…oh snap, a double-first this early?!
    bah…there’s humor in there somewhere

    glad to see the comic is back!

  16. Zapheres

    Can’t decide if parasox is/are cuter in the second or fourth panel. Maybe… maybe they’re ALWAYS cute. O_O

  17. Me

    Yay! New comix!

  18. ClintNotClintNo

    w00t! it’s back!

  19. Jalee1


  20. Sir Matt

    Welcome back friends! The plot can now advance again. If I recall rightly, the “loud meanies” and the “quiet meanies” have some kind of war going on, or at least they will once the penguins figure out how to keep an airplane off the ground for ten seconds straight. So what could the bug’s motive in sending Aric and Lemmo to the penguins be?

  21. Sir Matt

    Oh yeah, and happy new year everyone! I just noticed that this is the first strip copyrighted 2011.

  22. mattb

    oh my the bugs and penguins team up in a single antisockfox faction!
    I don’t think anyone guessed that!

  23. Nexall

    My guess is that Fergus is so annoyed with them that he thinks by sending them it is an attack on the penguins. Well I guess well find out soon enough.


    D) Fergus.

    Thanks for playing!

    SO glad to have the Blank It back!!!

  25. Defier of Physics

    It’s back! Wassa penguin? I love it!

    Also, I’m glad Fergus has realized the uselessness of the cute fuzzballs. Mayhaps he is trying to sabotage the penguins with Aric, Lemmo, and the destructive pups? Trouble does seem to follow them around…

    Also, I’m still holding out for a flaming junkyard around the penguin metropolis.

  26. Raiten

    Power lifting, in as much as picking up a medium size cat is power lifting ;p

  27. Wilhelm

    Lord Ben has a problem with your hair!

  28. Sandy Claws

    New comic! YES! I have been waiting for this, as I assume everyone else here was as well. Can’t wait to see what Parasox and Fergus are doing.

  29. Jethro Rayne

    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! New comic!!!! Haven’t even read it yet but I’m posting… heh…

  30. SleepyVen

    I seriously just checked earlier today for an update for the first time in like a month…. Good timing, apparently. Also, NoriMori, I think it’s like when people lift someone up by their collar to be intimidating, but a bug can’t likely lift two foxes with one arm each.

  31. couldahadav8

    And what’s that? Doth I detect an underlying plot? Returning characters! I’m so excited I could pee myself

  32. PolleN112

    (T(工)T) there are no words to contain my exctasy…

    *Happy dance*

  33. TreeJump

    “Wassa penguin?” Oh, you poor thing…

  34. Ray

    I think Aric & Lemmo have ceased to understand the Para Sox & the bug guy who’s name I don’t remember.

  35. Mell


  36. Mell

    ‘svuse – it’s Fergus

  37. OrangesAreAwesome

    I’M HAPPY FOR THIS COMIC UPDATE FINNALY!!! I’M SO HAPPY ITS HERE!!! & also I remember when it was basically stripe-ville & I didn’t look back it’s all memory (I’m weird that way)

  38. dagonboy6666


    The bugs are gonna win that war.

  39. dagonboy6666


  40. dagonboy6666

    Hey maybe this has to do with the unsetlers.
    Or maybe it has to do with “Clams are great.”

  41. Defier of Physics

    Flying Flaming Clams of DOOOOOM! Doom I say! DOOooooOOOM!

    Chowder is delicious. ^_^

  42. maglorius

    Wow – my first thought with the second panel was that Fergus was giving the cuteys a widdle kiss.

  43. macksting

    Yaknow, so did I the first time! Somehow I came to the correct conclusion later, upon seeing it anew, and completely forgot my first interpretation.

  44. NoriMori

    @maglorious, my first thought was that he was whispering to them. :S

    I still don’t get why he had to lift them up though. None of the suggestions given makes sense. “He doesn’t like being on solid ground” — then why not tell him from where he was already hovering? “He tried to lift them by the collar but couldn’t” — yeah I know, but WHY?

    Ohhh SleepyVen’s suggestion makes sense! “I think it’s like when people lift someone up by their collar to be intimidating, but a bug can’t likely lift two foxes with one arm each.”

    That makes so much sense. XD And lol, I doubt if he could even lift ONE of them with BOTH arms! XD

    And to those speculating on the bugs’ motive…perhaps the war is one-sided.


    “I think that’s the first time I’ve seen a double-first in person…”

    Are you referring to my double-post? XD

    “no wait…oh snap, a double-first this early?!”

    I have a Firefox extension called Google Reader Watcher, that checks my Google Reader feeds every few minutes and tells me if I have a new item. So when this was posted I knew pretty much right away. XD”


    “Can’t decide if parasox is/are cuter in the second or fourth panel. Maybe… maybe they’re ALWAYS cute. O_O”

    Well they’ve been getting cuter since going through their creepy phase… Cuter and cuter by the strip, in fact! Second panel here I find cutest, just because of the way their heads are tilted and they look so wide-eyed and innocent. XD

  45. OrangesAreAwesome

    That’s a mouth(ummm keyboard?)full

    idk lol XD lmao rofl afk jk omnomnom gtg nvm WTF(take it as where to find not what the …) ftw omg bff bffl l8r ;) :) :(:) (cow) ^_^ ^0^ :/ }:) “/ :P :D :B :3 :I =^..^= ^_~ QK .< ()_() $_$ T.T :] <8D
    d-_-b iou …

    … __
    O | \
    | |
    O |__/

  46. OrangesAreAwesome

    so much for my uber-:D

    . |__|

  47. OrangesAreAwesome

    and also @NickTheSlayer (hope I got it right)
    thanks for pronounciation key (I<3spellcheck on iPod sometimes :D)

  48. NoriMori


    What? Just…what? What was with the word (umm keyboard?) salad?

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