

  1. Chaos Theory

    My first first!

  2. Baron Loki

    This bodes ill.

  3. Ray

    Well, that’s wierd. But, surprisingly, expected.

  4. Jackson

    I had forgotten the hand.

    In other news, Panel 2 Aric wins the strip.

  5. Parrot

    It’s a castle in the sky. <3

  6. Wilhelm

    Daaaamn lord Ben gonna be PISSED!

  7. PolleN112

    If I remember right, the hand is heading towards where the beam is(?)/was right? And towards the hand-juice spill…

  8. Lipkin

    Did the Foxes fall off?

  9. Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ.


  10. Nexall

    The foxs are on the staircase hanging from the floating part. Also… WOOT called it, it so started flying again. :)

  11. NoriMori

    Lol yeah Nexall just now I read this and was thinking, “Hey so-and-so totally predicted this… Who was it again? Dammit!” :P

  12. NoriMori

    Oh I get it the giant bug tore part of the mountain off and they’re all sitting on it.

    Also, next to the hand I can see some of the mini-signs!! :O!!!

  13. David III

    Flight Simulator Firefly Edition.

    lemo, you better copyright this now.


    So, had they continued below, it doesn’t appear that they’d have gotten anywhere interesting.

    I can see one of the parafoxes, but hopefully that other blob at the top of Panel 2 is the other one (kinda looks like little fox feet).

    The wooden hand-monster and it’s Cloverfield-parasite-like creatures appear to be forresting the landscape. No doubt we’ll be seeing signs and possibly some bees appear in that region soon.

    Now comes the question of when we’ll be seeing the mist-folk again next. I feel that we’re due for an appearance from Misty and friends. (Unless a penguin knocks them out of the sky).

  15. macksting

    @X-Soldier: “So, had they continued below, it doesn’t appear that they’d have gotten anywhere interesting.”
    The Parasox coulda hopped ‘em elsewhere. Maybe that’s part of why he threw them in. And even so, have we established where those do or don’t lead? I think I recall an Autoaric disappearing down one of those.
    “The wooden hand-monster and it’s Cloverfield-parasite-like creatures appear to be forresting the landscape. No doubt we’ll be seeing signs and possibly some bees appear in that region soon.”
    Perhaps we should call the crawling ones Fleas, roughly the role of the ones in Cloverfield.
    @Pollen: “If I remember right, the hand is heading towards where the beam is(?)/was right? And towards the hand-juice spill…”
    When it all comes together, I hope we meet a cookie there who points in an accusatory manner at Lemmo and says, “I’m sure you had a hand in this!”
    @X-Soldier: “Now comes the question of when we’ll be seeing the mist-folk again next. I feel that we’re due for an appearance from Misty and friends. (Unless a penguin knocks them out of the sky).”
    I’d think that’d guarantee another appearance, actually.

  16. Nexall

    @macksting You don’t have to put their quote into your post it just makes it needlessly long. we can guess what you want to reply to by what you say

  17. macksting

    Aw, I like needlessly long. It makes it like a filibuster.
    I jest. Sorry, I’ll reconsider how best to approach this.

  18. Bremer1281

    i like how originally, lemmo lost his wooden hand and in recent comics, nearly his entire arm is missing.

  19. Zapheres

    The foxes indeed are still with us, unless you can’t see them jump in panel 3. In panel 2 one is near the bottom of the stairs with the other close behind.

    Felt the parasox location merited importance. :P

  20. Artem

    Is it just me or are there letters in the grass behind the hand ?

  21. dagonboy6666

    errror. error. insult overload.

  22. NoriMori

    @Artem, if there are, then they’re very unintelligible.
    @Bremer1281, yeah I think I noticed that too, albeit unconsciously.
    @Nexall…do you have a stick up your ass or something? If macksting wants to clarify things by quoting what he’s replying to, then why shouldn’t he?

  23. Nexall

    No, I don’t specifically mind so much as I just don’t see the point. Also… no that’s all.

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