Tell Your Friends

We’d like to welcome everyone who is new to Blank It. It’s nice to see you!

Okay, enough pleasantries. Blank It really benefits from word of mouth. So please, if you have the time and the gumption, spread the word. IM, TXT, message boards, Facebook, Twitter, hand shakes. Whatever.

Tell friends and strangers about Blank It. We’ll be eternally grateful. That’s right. Eternally. And eternity is a long long time. Don’t you want gratefulness for eternity? Feels pretty good.


  1. NoriMori

    Hey everyone! In response to this news, I looked to see if there are any facebook Blank It groups, and it turns out there is one!!

    Join!! Then tell all your friends to join!! And then they’ll tell their friends, and they’ll tell their friends, and…

  2. Dana

    Definitely shared a link to the site on my facebook page. =)

  3. Chaos Theory

    I will do the same once I get home from mooching my school’s WiFi.

  4. Jack

    I already do this on a regular basis ^-^ I’ve shared it with as many people as I can get to listen at school. Everyone loves it and we all look forward to bi-weekly updates together. :D

  5. Nexall

    Same hear, all my friends enjoy seeing it now.

  6. FreeFull

    Doesn’t vinegar actually attract more flies than honey?

  7. FreeFull

    Oops, wrong place.

  8. Jety Lefr

    I heard that you actually catch more flies with vinegar.

  9. nicktheslayer

    I think hes trying to catch bees.

    Also, ive already been recruiting since forever, so… yay for me!

    **Eternal Gratefulness**

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