Tuesdays. This is temporary.

As we’re sure you’ve noticed by now, there has been a bit of a constant delay with the comics. This is due to a lot of real life situations eating time like…monsters…that eat time. Time monsters. So, rather than be “constantly late,” we’re making a temporary move to publishing Blank It once a week on Tuesdays.

THIS IS TEMPORARY! Relax! Thing will settle (i.e. babies) and time will be restored to its rightful place. We’ll be back to two comics a week soon enough.

Thank you for bearing with us. We’d rather put out a quality project at a manageable pace than a shoddy product at a speedy pace. If twice a week can be called “speedy.” Look, we’re getting away from the topic at hand.

Maybe this will tide you over for this Thursday.

Thanks everyone. We will not abandon you! The adventures continue!



    Thank you for the news! I shall be more than happy to wait for my Blank It, even if it’s temporarily only released weekly. :D


  2. NoriMori

    Dude…! You actually look like the Aric in the comic! I mean I know they were named after you, but I had no idea how much they looked like you guys!! You look like Germaine from Flight of the Conchords! Awesome! XD

  3. Shaelyn

    you skipped my birthday comic?! HOW COULD YOU!!!

    no really, you guys do what you gotta do. I’ll wait patiently for tuesday and enjoy my birthday weekend in the meantime :)

  4. Kohl Kitchin

    I cannot believe you folks. How dare you imply babies are more important in the grander scheme of things than a graphically improvistic masterpiece? (Good luck with the midgets, I have two of my own)

  5. complainthat

    I recommend reading A Modest Proposal…

  6. Renee

    Thank you for letting us know! HeadTrip is also a fun comic that may tide people over. Click my name for instant viewage. :)

  7. mrspolarbear

    Hahahahaha! I have 4 “time eating monsters” of my own, so I can sympathize! Keep up the good work, when you can.

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