

  1. Lipkin


  2. Purely Theoretical

    Color me impressed.


  3. NoriMori


    Looks like we were right about the Robot City…

  4. NoriMori

    Also, I’m strangely sad at the disappearance of Lemmo’s “woody”. Heheh. XD

  5. Swiss Chopstix

    Gravity pulls their clothes and hair down to the robots but they still stick to the ceiling? I love this comic.

  6. Thebrum

    Deific golden lizard meets automaton Dilbert while the laws of physics take hallucinogens. I like it.

  7. MultiversalInk

    Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy SHIT.

    I suddenly understand jack shit.

    It seems that they walk in the direction that the ‘floor’ of the Canvas we know. They are currently below the ‘floor’ thus they appear to be walking in the ceiling because it is closer to the ‘floor’.

    I guess.

    Also the ‘floor’ needs a name. I suggest Panel Edge, or just Edge.

    And maybe Lemmo’s arm grew back because of some hand juice bi-effect once the entire ‘woody’ was gone? Maybe the same effect as what made the ‘woody’ crumble?

  8. toXicus


  9. Raiten

    Heh, I had to look it over a few times before it made sense. Or at least less nonsense. Good stuff!

  10. seananners


  11. Dana

    Definitely same as Raiten. took me a few times to process this. “What is this – I don’t even -” So many questions, and I hope they get answered!

  12. Ash3ton

    Robots in cubicules nut said

  13. Nexall

    so apparently giant robomander = office building
    Was eating them the hiring procedure and now they work there? Of will they be put to work like what the cookies?
    Well up till now the robots seem to be pretty solid as allies so I doubt the latter.

  14. macksting

    I’d say this comic was worth waiting a week for.

  15. MarshmallowRadiation

    The mechamander’s insides invert gravity? Look, they’re standing “upright” when inside the mechamander but are “upside-down” again when they *ahem* “exit.”

  16. Wastelandman

    I do wish we would get more than one comic a week


    Travelling through the Robomander. I am now completely lost.

    Well done!


  18. Arkatox


  19. Chaos Theory

    Defying of Physics 101: All Hail the Robomander!

  20. PolleN112

    Aha! It’s not a city, it’s an office block. Also this reminds me of this freaky movie I once saw/hallucinated, it’s called Forbidden Zone. It’s really weird but there’s one part where the portal to another reality is through the mouth of this weird robot/dog/ape. Anyway freaky stuff.

  21. SpaceBanana

    So when did Lemmo lose his wooden arm?

  22. jaz

    so this is where the robots go for a normal weekday, since there are cubicles. (most) people take the elevator to get to their floor, but robots get digested by a giant lizard.

    oh, and the lizard can control gravity. nbd.

    guys, this is perfectly normal by blank it’s standards!


  23. dagonboy6666

    well, I was wrong on the tounge part but I joked right on the eat part.

  24. dagonboy6666

    kinda like the weird dream I had where geting kissed by pretty women gave me super powers.

  25. Dffaktlvnc

    Also, YAY! Slide!

  26. Arwael

    So the Golden Robomander, (not to be confused with the Golden Slurpee Cup) is the entrance to a Robot Office Building? Hmm. And said office building has two points of gravity…
    Oh and Robots. Don’t forget the robots… Especially accountant robots. They are up to something… (Or soon will be. Lemmo has that effect.)

    Wait… I just had an idea. Everytime something new or odd happens… it can be somehow traced to an action that Lemmo took. Thus making Lemmo the prime force of cause and effect for the BI Universe. Doth this make Lemmo the Great God of Causation?

    … Oh and Pollen, you didn’t hallucinate. I’ve seen the Forbidden Zone as well… Such an odd, odd movie.

  27. Kafloobop

    Whaaaa???? They’re standing upside down as if gravity is reversed, yet gravity is still making Marina’s hair hang down!! Which way is down!?!?

  28. Sarita Rucker

    I’m not sure what’s stranger — the insides of the dragon, or the robots working in cubicles and carrying paperwork.

    But of course, I should stop being surprised. This is Blank It, after all. :D

    I can’t wait to see the next strip!

  29. Kid of Death

    Um, alright then. There are no words for that.

  30. random man

    I wonder what would happen if they jumped? I think they would either A) land on their heads after gravity suddenly switches back to normal, 2) they hit the floor/ceiling/whatever is toward the bottom of the comic and just kinda hoover there, or D) they fly back up to the ceiling/floor/whatever.

    We should take a vote.

    A, 2, or D, LOL!

  31. random man

    ps-Why doesn’t Marina’s hair fall up when she’s done being ‘digested’ but still inside the mechalamander/salabot/robomander/gravityinverter/elevator entrance/thing? sorry to double post.

  32. Kid of Death

    So the Robomander throws them up into the air, then lowers it’s head again, causing them to fall up through it’s body. Did I see that right?

  33. Renee

    The cubicles are definitely a nice touch. :)

  34. PolleN112

    @Kid of Death, it looks to me like it let’s them go just after the last panel of “Handy Catchphrase” and then instead of continuing to fall with respect to the canvas they fall with respect to the office/city.

  35. djeims

    Wheee! Big comic page! The lines look thicker, too. Is this related to us being underplane now? Also, it looks as tho their feet are glued to the floor rather than being under some strange gravity; but how did they get stuck to the ceiling anyway?

  36. Shaelyn

    this is going to be very awkward for Marina…

  37. CaZsm

    This page looks silly on the app. :P
    All scrunched up.

  38. Kid of Death

    @PolleN, I had to read that a couple times before I understood it. I suppose that makes sense, but if they fell towards the office, why did they end up on the ceiling? Which way is gravity pulling, anyway?

  39. Lipkin

    Clearly, shoes in the Blank It world allow you to walk anywhere. Lemmo was wearing shoes, which let him walk on the purple lake, while Aric was not, causing him to sink.

    Since they both reformed with shoes, they all get to walk on the ceiling.

  40. Gram

    I have to scroll to see the entire comic. Can’t experience it as a visual whole.

  41. MidnaMan

    Quit your whining, Gram.

  42. Sir Matt

    Gravity, n. The force that causes objects to fall in a variety of directions and not necessarily with any regard to any particular, unified direction. Can be affected unpredictably by encounters with the legendary mechamander (or whatever).

    The robots seem so strange when they act so normal. There is not much normality in Blank It, so that makes it even more strange.

  43. don't care about beans

    .w……………..t……………….f…………………i now understand why the answer of life and everything else is 42 lol

  44. rocklight

    Marina’s hair goes weird because IT IS ALIVE. She’ll be revealed to be a Medusa later. STONEGAZE.
    ooooh yeaaah.

  45. rocklight

    And besides, with a dress that loose, you’d be GLAD gravity isn’t working logically in that room…. PANTY SHOT! … Well… Actually, considering the pseudo-Greek styling of that outfit… I’m going to say… CROTCH SHOT because it seems unlikely that she… What? The greeks probably didn’t have underwear, and presuming that she spawned in this world fully formed in those clothes, then logically there’d be nothin in there really. I’M NOT A PERVERT! HONEST!

  46. Wastelandman

    @rocklight, you may not be a pervert, but you know half of the people reading your post will go and have fantasies about that now. Maybe even Spawn their own porno version of blank it. Just sayin, people these days are sickening as a whole

  47. MultiversalInk

    Marina’s skirt stays in place because of the power of PG rating.

  48. wonderboy

    i would say it’s just artist’s prefference that keeps that skirt in place

  49. MarshmallowRadiation

    I almost laughed at Marina’s gravity-defying, PG-rated dress. I might start to think she doesn’t have legs, just feet attached to the skirt of her dress.

  50. Raiten

    Note also the guys shirts do not fall up at the base near the stomach. Maybe the gravity does not affect clothes. Effect? One of those two.

  51. Raiten

    Wait, no, fail observation. Aric’s coat. Hmm… SELECTIVE gravity?

  52. Wolfox

    I’m assuming they’re now in the… *ahem* business end *[end]ahem* of the robolizard?

  53. random man

    Of course it’s selective, or they would all fall to the floor above them. It must be living gravity that can choose what to pull on and what way to pull it…operating through robomander, of course, because that’s where the initial change occurred.

  54. Purely Theoretical

    I think that gravity in Blank It comes from wherever you perceive the floor to be. Or, really, whichever direction you perceive to be “down”.

    …But yet, hair and Aric’s shirt are affected…
    Or maybe we’re all crazy and gravity DOES NOT EXIST.

  55. Ray

    Well, that’s just a wierd interior.

  56. Raiten

    Maybe we’re looking at this backwards. Or upside down rather. Perhaps the ROBOTS are on the ceiling, and they are on the floor. Static from the robots could account for the hair and coat floating upwards, rather then falling downwards.

  57. dagonboy6666

    @don’t care about beans
    it’s so obiuovs sheese hve’t you heard the stroy about the apples and the oranges.

  58. dagonboy6666

    @Sir Matt
    normal is reltive. just like motion.

  59. dagonboy6666

    Of course they’re something there…..,. and yes your a pervert…. And the anser to your next quetsion is yes I’m a pervert…

  60. dagonboy6666

    everyone’s a pervert. And I do think it’s the power of the pg ratiing keeping it in place.

  61. dagonboy6666

    maybe it’s pins holding it in place. or a wooden structure on the inside.

  62. options are optional


    I just located pictures of it on google.
    ps. fergus is a girl.

  63. Kid of Death

    omg look what I just found. I love it. I want it.

  64. Arwael

    @KoD… that is… The Greatest Discovery of the Month! (I’d say ever, but well… that one is under contention. Those ratfinks at Mensa just won’t let go.)

    @Everyone Else… You’ve all heard about gravity, right? It works by the force of two objects exerting itself, with the more massive object winning. which is why Planets have only one source of major gravity that we notice.

    However, it is quite possible to have multiple points of gravity in one localized area, such as a the rim of a black-hole, the average solar system… Mcdonalds. The usual. However, Blank It is not usual. It is a universe that operates by different rules. Thus you end up with localized gravity that is one room. And they interact.

    Which the end result is that Lemmo, Aeric and Marina are standing on the Ceiling/Floor due to the first point of gravity. And yet Marina’s hair and Aeric’s Jacket are dangling downwards because they are being affected by the second gravitational point.

    Lemmo and his hat are not affected by Lemmo’s AA-Field. His Absolute Awesome Field. It is this theorized field that allows for Lemmo to do things such as walk on Purple Water and not lose his hat. Ever.

    *Huff Huff Huff* Now, that I have gone into tedious length and detail… Anyone care to argue? :V

  65. Kid of Death

    @Arwael: Thank you. I was looking for some fanart of Lemmo and Aric when I found it. There’s not really any fanart, sadly.

    As for your theory, that is…really well thought out. There’s only one thing that I want to bring up. Someone pointed out at some point that shoes seem to be a factor here. Lemmo could walk on the water, but Aric couldn’t. Aric had lost his shoes at that point. Now he has shoes again and they’re all able to stand on the ceiling. But then again, maybe that has nothing to do with it. We may never know.

  66. dagonboy6666

    you’re a genius. I wil kiss your feet.

  67. Shirasong@

    does this make anyone else think of Chutes and Ladders? <3 :3

  68. Shirasong

    Does this remind anyone else of Chutes and Ladders? :3

  69. Shirasong

    Oops! Shoot. Sorry for the double post. :/ My computer is really slow and I thought that it didn’t post. (it’s done that before.)

  70. joss

    Woah, my brain hurts.

  71. Dagonboy6666

    last comment

  72. david ahia

    Last comment.

  73. JasonSquare15

    last comment

  74. Tamfang

    I’ll bet I’m the only reader who was reminded of Zap Comix #3.

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