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a.k.a. Arica. Both names are fanon.

[edit] Physical Appearance

As of 6-17-09, she appears as an Unsettler. Formless in her first appearance, then upon solidifying has been described by at least one poster as a 'babe.' As those in front of the camera have interacted more with Misty than with other Unsettlers, some of our assumptions about them will be shaped by what we see of Misty.

[edit] Viewpoints

As of Earnest Intentions, a few things are clear (so to speak) about Misty.

  • She is easily surprised (as any normal person would be) by randomly appearing inroads and black jets flying through her insubstantial body.
  • Fire is pretty.

We can make a few other assumptions about her attitudes toward life, but it is of interest that she was ill-prepared for the bizarre and random nature of the Canvas and in fact had to ask Lemmo (who she knows by name) whether this sort of thing happens a lot (re: a jet passing through her wispy body.)

[edit] First Appearance

  • 2009-05-18 Departure as something barely visible
  • 2009-05-28 Shadow Shadow as a wispy Unsettler
  • 2009-06-01 Inroad in her solidified, visible form

Although one may wish to consider her entry under Wild Mass Guessing.

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