Shovel Beam

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The shovel beam is a major feature on the Canvas. It is a constant stream of plasma that runs the height of the BlankIt universe. It is an anomoly as it is both affects and yet is unaffected by the laws of physics as we know them.

The Shovel Beam was formed when Lemmo used a shovel to dig. Unfortunately, he experienced the Columbus Effect first hand. By digging a hole in the floor of the universe he discovered that the only thing under the floor was the universe itself. From above, it's a floor and from below, it's a roof. He and the shovel fell through the hole continuously until Aric knocked Lemmo out of his freefall by fully implementing a half-baked plan. Once they had recovered they observed what was happening to the shovel.

The Shovel continued to fall at an increasing rate passing it's teminal velocity until it succumbed to Ram Pressure and burst into flames. It remains where they left it and to date it is the only thing that Aric and Lemmo have actively tried to return to and found it still remaining there. In their most recent visit to it they noticed a misty hamlet which was populated by vague and hazy figures, (for the moment known as the Unsettlers) most notably Pericles Van Mudgett.

So far the Shovel Beam has been used to remove a hand from both Lemmo and Aric showing that it has considerable destructive abilties. Interestingly the shovel beam also set Aric's hair on fire after amutating the hand that was growing from his head. This could provide an explanation for why the characters do not bleed as their wounds would have been cauterized. Furthermore, the Shovel Beam cut a seemingly massive house fly in twain, which released confetti and streamers from its sundered abdominal segment. It should be noted that the confetti and streamers did not ignite though chance may have it that neither made contact with the Shovel Beam.

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