Self-imposed Reality

I haven’t gabbed in awhile because I feel like I haven’t thought up anything worthwhile to say. Then I realized I’m an artist, and generally never have anything worthwhile to say, so I might as well run with that.

City of Heroes just wrapped up their double-XP weekend, which was good times, even if I couldn’t get on to my preferred server half the time. It’s been awhile since I’ve sat at a kitchen table with other gamers and drank soda and listened to the iTunes equivalent of “mix tapes”. It made for some good times, as I already said. Pay attention.

I haven’t run the Ustream comic-cast in a few weeks, mostly because my comic drawing schedule has been erratic, but also because I don’t think there’s much appeal for it as a regular feature. But after having received a few requests to do it again, I’ll try to plan another for Tuesday night at 8:30pm Central time. We’ll see if that works out. I’ll twitter first, as usual.

On that note, time to make a feeble attempt to catch up on lost sleep. Really, I don’t think I lost much sleep at all, if you consider coffee a viable substitute.

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