In Some Cultures, Writing and Drawing is the Same Thing

It’s the little things sometimes. I put together some new buttons and banners for the comic that kind of captures the feel for Blank It. If you want some for your very own, you can snag them from the blah blah.

There’s even a chance you stumbled over here by way of these new fangled advermotrons. If’n that’s the case, pull up a chair. There’s donuts and coffee in the back.

I tend to martial art on the weekends something fierce. Not that I’m fierce, the regiment that is. Well, I took a how-do-ya-do to my right hand and mucked it up what have you. It’s pretty swollen around the thumb bone, and I can’t even hold a pencil properly. So, you can guess what this means for the comic.

Nothing, silly. I’m a lefty.


  1. Maniah

    Whatever happened to your old old comic.. I cant even recall the name of it. It was about a boy and a girl in the middle of a war. Somehow I think winter or snow was important either in the settings or in the title… I used to read it and then it dissapeared when I lost my internet once.. and I always wondered how it ended.. Did it ever get an ending?

  2. lemmo

    Winter. Long story short, we stopped working on it, then the website (which I was not hosting) moved or went down. I’ll put it back online someday, it just means reconstructing the archive somewhere. Glad you were a fan!

  3. Arantor

    I’m able to host it on the wordowl server if you’re interested. (VPS server, plenty of bandwidth and server resources to host it)

    Just drop me a PM or email if you want to talk about it.

  4. lemmo

    I have the server space, it’s just about sorting all 100 pages, naming and loading them into a comic system like ComicsPress. It’s just work, and it’s low priority for me.

  5. R

    Hey, just stumbled here from the Lethal Doses page. LD was the first webcomic I started reading back around 2000 and have always checked off and on to see if you’re doing anything. It’s been great watching everything you’ve put out to offer. LD definitely hit my sense of humour and I am hoping Blank It will as well.

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