Staking Flags in New Lands

I was gonna gab about the last couple strips and make all these artsy observations and insights, but I’ve learned over the years that unless specified otherwise, people don’t really like to know what goes into the kool-aid, to quote a friend. Which is generally why I run the Ustream show, but I haven’t fired that up in the last few weeks due to strained circumstances. Or rather, I’ve been doing the strip in the buck lately. No lie. I’m bucking out right now. Moving on.

If you’d like to see me quite not in the buck, or see just how accurately Aric resembles his cynical comic counterpart, we’ve just gotten a communication from basecamp that we will be “guest creators” at this year’s MCBA Fallcon. That’s just a fancy way of saying we’ll be sitting behind a table. But nevertheless, we promise antics and homilies, sketches on the very same sketch paper I draw the comic on, facepainting, boxing matches and glass-blowing demonstrations. Only some of those claims are fabricated. Anyway, if you’re in the midwest and into comics, online or printed, you should seriously consider this con. I’ve gone as an attendee many years, and it’s a romp.

That’s a big enough deal. I’ll doll out the smaller tidbits later in the week.

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