Same Stuff, Different Words

So, y’all been knockin’ me out witcha voodoo, so I thought I’d drive you crazy with some boogie-oogie.

Aric mentioned the forums last week, and I’ll tell you. In my book, squeaky wheels get the gwease. Which is to say, I like to surround myself with loquacious individuals like me, so the chattier people tend to be, the more I enjoy their company. That all rhymed on accident. The point is, I’m glad we have a few gabbers around. It makes my obsessive browser refreshing valid.

We’re officially listed on the MCBA Fallcon list, so I can officially tell you you’re officially invited to officially come and hang out with us, unofficially. I toured the Grandstand where the convention will be taking place, and it looks like a good spot to hang out and have an awesome time. I do suggest you come out. We’ll try to make our booth as findable as possible.

Why don’t I talk about the actual comic more in these blurg posts? Because I’m not really allowed. That part of the human brain brain that shouts “SPOILER ALERT” doesn’t really work in mine, so I have a tendency to just explain everything away. Which is great if you want explanations. But the truth is most of you don’t want explanations, you want the thrill of wanting explanations. So far be it for me to ruin that for you. Carry on now.

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