
I haven’t missed updates with the comic. This is a personal achievement. But it also relies on having a work buffer. This comic was done ahead of time. The bummer is that I’ve now lost my head start to this niche underground game you’ve never heard of, called Spore. Evilly addictive, it is.

Anyway, I’ve already made it through to the space section with two species, and now I’m working on a teeny little bean dude (I call him a Legumite). He’s little and meek, but vicious. Anyway, if you want to check any of my creations out, my Spore ID is my old moniker, HotSoup.

Hey, if you have a Spore ID you’d like to share, drop it in the comments here, or plunk it over in the forums. I expect if you’re here, you’ve got a knack for the wacky, and I’d like to see what you got.

Oh, and Google Chrome rocks. Though, I don’t think it does live spelchequing. I’m in for some trobule.


  1. DragoNero

    Hey, great comic…. I was looking at the spore site at EA the other day. Any good?

  2. Yogurt?

    You are right I have never even heard about this “Spore”. Must be really deep underground. Could you gove me a link or something?

  3. Arantor

    Yogurt?, try

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