Didja Frickin’ Miss Me?

I’m back from my whole getting hitched and honeymooning thing, which was a total blast. I do so recommend it to the masses. I tried to stay off the internet, but my betrothed gifted me with a new iPhone 3G before the trip, so I couldn’t help but sip from the digital stream a few times here and there.

I don’t have to go back to work for what seems like forever, so I should take some of that time to get ahead on comics again. I lost my lead due to my vacation, but it was a nice luxury to have. Plus, I can lord it over all of you that it’s done, you just can’t see it, nah hah, nyah hah hah.

I’ve said it once before, but I’m gonna repeat it. I think Wrath of Marcie by The Go! Team is like, the unofficial Blank It themesong. It always seems to capture my mood when I’m drawing this stuff.

One more week until Fallcon. Crunkin’ A.

^ One Comment...

  1. Arantor

    Welcome back!

    I did check out that song on YouTube but I couldn’t figure the lyrics much. (Proper rock is far more my style – I seem to find I have Meat Loaf on when I add Blank It strips to WordOwl.)

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