The “Community”

It gets brought up from time to time, but both Aric and I have been doing webcomics for quite awhile. In fact, both I and the internet have forgotten more about my past projects than where I stand as an artist today. This may sound like I’m complaining, but it’s actually kinda neat. I have both the experience and the long term friendships with fans and fellow creators to have learned many lessons and hone the trade, but still experience the exhilarating rush and proverbial puppy love of a new pet project. Yet, if we’re still doing this comic years from now, there’s a chance it could indeed become our opus. And I’m okay with that, too. I’ve learned to enjoy the ride, and enjoy it I do.

The self-proclaimed Webcomic Rat Pack, those fab four of digital stripping-of-comics, have started a new online community at Aric and I have already busted open their screen door and started tracking mud in on the floor. Aric is mostly lurking and will for a long time, where as I’m gabbing away until my attention deficit gets the better of me. Either way, it’s great to see another hub for our fine hobby-slash-vocation take root. Blank It will probably continue to satellite this project, since I’d rather hang out at discussion forums like this than the myriad of devour-then-flee comic list websites.

That and it’s fun to talk. Well, until the drama begins. Then I’ll disown the place. What.


  1. Maniah

    I remember two of your comics. Does that mean much? The original Hot Soup strips. Winter. I miss Winter.

    Glad to still have you on the scene. Keep up the good work!

  2. lemmo

    I miss Winter too. We never even got to the part of the story I liked.

  3. macksting

    Yeah, I was plenty prepared to find a way to fix that main page, too; everything else about the forum, at least, still worked. Just had to click a link.
    Sloppy hack bots. Stupid script kiddies.
    I guess we all miss Winter. I know about this comic only because Hot Soup rewired to go here, and… I guess I got nostalgic several weeks ago and tried to go there. Maybe back up what comics there were to be seen.

  4. lemmo

    It’s good to see you made it over here, Mack. Sorry about Winter. Maybe I’ll put all the high-res pages in a book for you or something. But in the meantime, do enjoy this project. We’re having tons of fun over here.

  5. macksting

    Clearly. If I hadn’t spent the last few years broke, I’d'a bought that sweater, too.
    I’m rather enjoying this comic, aye. Very random, very silly, very fun.

    If’n you ever do make that book, wouldje mind giving a plot synopsis? It’d help.

  6. Angelhomie

    Its really funny… I managed to get 5 more people I know to read this comic. Some People don’t even LIKE webcomics, but they sure enjoy this one. *kneeslap* Keep up the good work.

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