The First Leg

It feels like Blank It is finally growing up a bit, learning to crawl, chewing on the couch corners, etc. We’re really enjoying the project. And, if our numbers this week are any indication, there’s a glut of new readers streaming in, so welcome to the show, folks!

I’d like to take this time to mention that if you’re an online comic reader in general, you should really invest in an RSS reader. It’s great that you come to visit our site and all, we love having you. But we can also see who’s checking the feeds, and they’re pretty bare. It’d really save you some time to set up a feed with all your favorite comics, ours included, just by clicking those RSS links over to the left, there. There’s plenty of applications and online readers, like Google Reader, that work great for this sort of thing. Don’t cheat yourself on modern technology, build your own newspaper. Get your feed on.

We even have feeds for these news posts, if you want to listen to us ramble. I don’t advise it.

There’s a Blank It Wiki page over at Comixpedia, but it’s still rather… blank. If you’re a fan of the comic and feel like devoting a little cognitive surplus to our cause, head on over and contribute a bit of knowledge or whatever, or chat in the forums to get some cooperation going. It’s these kind of community contributions that really make these pages feel like a party.


  1. Arantor

    In fairness though when I added the page it was still pretty young. I didn’t know as much about Blank It as has been revealed since August.

  2. macksting

    As to the matter of RSS feeds, it’s discouraging that some of my favorite webcomics don’t have an RSS feed.
    It’s far more discouraging that my old Linux drive crashed, eliminating all my settings, up to and including OpenGL support for my AGP card. I’ve tried restoring that; I don’t think it’s gonna work this time around.
    I’ll probably get around to an RSS reader again eventually, but I’ll still need to open the browser for a few of the comics I read.

  3. lemmo

    Oh, I wasn’t complaining, Arantor. It really did just come up in conversation that I wondered what a Blank It wiki would look like, and Aric told me there was already one going. I was pleasantly surprised!

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