On the other foot.

I normally hound Aric for not posting enough on the site, only to notice my last post was almost a month ago. But aside from having a general lack of things to say, I’ve been hesitant to bump the wallpaper links further down the fold. We’ll probably move them into the Blah Blah section of the site soon enough, anyways.

Aric and I aren’t just comic cohorts, we’re also coworkers, completely by coincidence depending on how you look at it. Well Aric’s still burning off some of his spare vacation days, so he gets to sit at home all this week with no pants on playing Left 4 Dead (I still haven’t played the first three) while I have nobody to talk Blank It with. So I’ll just be looking to you, oh emailers and forum goers. Keep me comp’ny.


  1. macksting

    Either this world will keep stretching as more material is added to it, it’ll reach a point where nothing more can be added for lack of space (at which point it’ll be a rather fully-realized realm, possibly complete with pastoral lush fields and giant mecha), portions will begin to be deleted/decimated to make room, or it shall become so very full (it has a ceiling as of now) that it no longer can contain more, even as more is added.
    Given that the ceiling and floor can be broken, that could mean ruptures in the two real walls (ceiling, floor) resulting in a larger world without stretching, or it could mean… something else, I forget.
    All of this is moot should something really, really drastic and weird occur; none of the above are terribly bizarre compared to other events observed. Finally, a combination of various of the above might also be a reasonable alternative.

  2. waryIrrinty

    For the great information

    I’ll be back in a bit.

    Thanks again!

    Have a amazing and clean year…

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  3. switch

    I can’t help but think that, at least partially, the characters Aric and Lemmo are based on the real dynamic duo.

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